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Hear what local politicians say about education

Northern Queenslanders are invited to put their questions on education in person to Federal election candidates at a special forum being held at 番茄社区.

Hear what local politicians say about education

First published August 29, 2013

Northern Queenslanders are invited to put their questions on education in person to Federal election candidates at a special forum being held at 番茄社区.

Education Policy Forum: a dialogue with candidates about education in North Queensland is being held on 番茄社区’s Townsville campus on Monday night next week (September 2).

番茄社区’s School of Education is hosting the event, and educators and community members are invited to their new facility, Education Central, in the forum with Herbert electoral candidates.

Some of the topics in the electoral landscape which may be raised are reform for ‘better schools’, teacher ‘quality’, vocational training, ‘closing the gap’, engagement with Asia and funding to the university sector.

Associate Professor Brian Lewthwaite said the community forum would provide a chance for dialogue about policy - as opposed to “slogans” – with a focus on the educational issues that matter in the region.

“Candidates will have an opportunity to present their policy platform across early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary education, followed by a question and answer discussion,” Associate Professor Lewthwaite said.

Participants in the forum are Ewen Jones MP (Liberal), Cathy O'Toole (Labor), Jenny Stirling (Greens candidate for Kennedy), Bronwyn Walker (Katter's Australia Party) and Michael Punshon (Family First).

Anyone who has a question for candidates is asked to include this with their registration, so candidates can prepare a considered response.

Date:                                       Monday, 2nd September, 2013

Time:                                      5:00pm – 7:00pm

Location (番茄社区 Townsville):           Education Central, DA134-010 (Lecture Theatre)


For further information and to register (by COB Friday, 30th August 2013) contact:

Kelley Millers (Teaching, Learning & Research Support Officer): (07) 4781 6784 or soeresearch@jcu.edu.au

Campus maps:  http://www.jcu.edu.au/maps/

番茄社区 Media contact: Caroline Kaurila (07) 4781 4586 or 0437 028 175