
Featured News Leadership skills lead to adventure

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

Leadership skills lead to adventure

番茄社区 student mentor leader Chelsea West will be swapping the classroom for the open sea when she joins the crew of the Young Endeavour on Saturday (June 23) to sail from Cairns to Townsville.

番茄社区 student mentor leader Chelsea West will be swapping the classroom for the open sea when she joins the crew of the Young Endeavour on Saturday (June 23) to sail from Cairns to Townsville.

The fourth-year law student is the first recipient of the Cowan Grant Young Endeavour Leadership Scholarship awarded through 番茄社区’s Professional College.

Like other members of the Young Endeavour’s crew, Ms West will be developing her teamwork and communication skills under the command of the Royal Australian Navy crew.

“I am really excited about the challenges ahead of me as I have never sailed on a boat before,” she said. “We need to learn the name of every piece of rope and sail and will be taught how to take the helm, tie knots and cook in the galley.”

番茄社区’s Teaching and Learning Development Manager Alan Calder said Ms West had completed a leadership module offered to students through the Professional College.

“The College offers opportunities for students to develop professional and personal skills, through activities that extend beyond day-to-day studies,” he said.

“Within the leadership module you can attend a series of on-campus workshops covering different aspects of leadership presented by 番茄社区 professional and academic staff including cross-cultural communication, volunteering, public speaking, entrepreneurship and networking skills.”

Ms West said she was looking forward to the teamwork and challenges of life aboard the Young Endeavour.

“I believe I will benefit from this experience because it will give me the chance to push myself to the limits both mentally and physically and determine what I am made of,” she said.

“This is important to me as a graduating student as I want to know whether I am ready for the challenges of the real world.”

After the trip she will make presentations to various community and student groups to further promote and display the leadership skills she has developed and to promote the benefits of personal development activities such as those provided by the 番茄社区 Professional College, The Cowan Grant and the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme.

Issued June 20, 2012

Media enquiries: E. linden.woodward@jcu.edu.au T. 07 4042 1007