
Featured News 番茄社区 offers for Semester 1, 2012 posted

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

番茄社区 offers for Semester 1, 2012 posted

番茄社区 posted offers of 3044 University places on Thursday 12 January, in the major round of tertiary offers.

番茄社区 posted offers of 3044 University places on Thursday 12 January, in the major round of tertiary offers.

番茄社区 made 4.4% more offers than in the same round last year, with 11.7% more in Cairns, and 0.9% more in Townsville.

When combined with places offered in early rounds this brings 番茄社区’s total to 3893 places.

番茄社区’s acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Chris Cocklin said the University’s Townsville and Cairns campuses were maintaining steady growth, following on from significant increases in 2010 and 2011.

“These are very pleasing results, especially as a follow-up to the level of growth we achieved in the past two years,” Professor Cocklin said.

“Biomedical sciences and allied health are key growth areas in Townsville, while in Cairns our biggest increases include science and law,” he said.

Across all campuses, 番茄社区’s first-preference applications were up by 8.8 per cent compared to last year, and all applications were up by 3.6 per cent.

Overall, the allied health courses, which include Exercise Physiology, Medical Laboratory Science, Biomedical Sciences and other Health Sciences, are up by an average 18.4 per cent in Townsville

In Townsville, 番茄社区 offers in the earlier and current rounds total 2819.

Key growth areas in Townsville include:

*      A 15% increase for the Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences.

*      A 20% increase for the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy.

*      A 20% increase for Science courses.

In Cairns, 番茄社区 offers in the earlier and current rounds total 1039.

Key growth areas in Cairns include:

*      A 36% increase for the Bachelor of Science

*      A 33% increase for the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

*      A 29% increase for law.

For further comment:

Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Chris Cocklin, Tel 07 47816884