
Featured News Skills for parents

Media Releases

Thu, 1 Jan 2015

Skills for parents

Practical workshops and events will be run in Innisfail to give Indigenous parents greater confidence in supporting their children at school.

Practical workshops and events will be run in Innisfail to give Indigenous parents greater confidence in supporting their children at school.

The Cairns Institute at 番茄社区 has been engaged by the MaMu Aboriginal Corporation to work with the local community and Indigenous parents to help them become more involved with schools in the Innisfail District.

A family fun day will be held at Warrina Lakes (from noon to 3.00pm on Saturday, 25 February) so the community can give feedback on the project’s upcoming events and activities.

The Director of The Cairns Institute, Professor Hurriyet Babacan, said community consultation had found practical support such as workshops about budgeting for school expenses, dealing with transport issues and understanding the school curriculum would be valuable for parents.

“The project is part of the Australian Government-funded Parent and Community Engagement Program, which ran workshops to identify areas where the connection between Indigenous parents and schools could be strengthened,” Professor Babacan said.

“We are really looking forward to working with local parents and schools to strengthen education in the Innisfail district. Having Indigenous parents and their community fully connect with local schools is critically important to children getting a good education.”

Ms Kellee Roberts, a well-known member of the local Indigenous community, has started work as a Community Engagement Officer and has been meeting with local parents, elders and community organisations over the past few weeks.

“People are looking forward to the project getting underway and I encourage both parents and the community to come to the family fun day on Saturday the 25th February,” she said.

“It will be a chance to meet the project team and for us to get further feedback on upcoming events and activities – and we’re going to have lots of fun activities for the kids.”

Issued February 20, 2012

Media enquiries: E. linden.woodward@jcu.edu.au T. 07 4042 1007