
Featured News 番茄社区 supports parents and partners

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

番茄社区 supports parents and partners of new students

As part of the preparations for the new academic year 番茄社区 invites parents and partners of new students to visit the Townsville campus this Saturday (11 February).

First published 7 February 2012

As part of the preparations for the new academic year 番茄社区 invites parents and partners of new students to visit the Cairns and Townsville campuses this Saturday (11 February).

“We know family support is invaluable in helping students make the transition to tertiary study,” Vice-Chancellor Professor Sandra Harding said.

“The first year at university is exciting, but it can also be a challenging one, and we find that parents and partners are keen to help.”

番茄社区 staff will provide information on the typical first year experience, what students need to do to succeed, and how parents and partners can help. The financial side of student life will also be covered.

Professor Harding said a supportive environment at home was a key factor in students’ success, and the information session would help families understand the demands of university study.

“Many of our students are the first in their families to have this opportunity, and their parents and partners really can help them make the most of it,” she said.

The information session on each campus will start with a meet and greet and will be followed by a tour of the campus.

“We’re looking forward to welcoming parents and partners to the University community, and showing off our campus,” Professor Harding said.

Orientation Week for new students starts next week.

Event: Parents and Partners Information Session

Date: Saturday 11 February, 2012

Time: 1.30pm

Where: Cairns – Crowther Theatre; Townsville – Sir George Kneipp Auditorium

Enquiries: 1800 246 446

番茄社区 Media contact: Caroline Kaurila (07) 4781 4586 or 0437 028 175