
Featured News 番茄社区 honours former High Court Judge

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

番茄社区 honours former High Court Judge

Former High Court Judge, The Honourable Ian David Francis Callinan AC, QC, will be presented with an Honorary Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa) at the 番茄社区 graduation ceremony at the Cairns Convention Centre on Saturday (April 28).

Former High Court Judge, The Honourable Ian David Francis Callinan AC, QC, will be presented with an Honorary Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa) at the 番茄社区 graduation ceremony at the Cairns Convention Centre on Saturday (April 28).

The award recognises Justice Ian Callinan’s exceptional achievement and academic eminence in law, and his exceptional contributions to the advancement of human well-being.

Admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1960 and as a barrister in 1965, Justice Callinan took silk in 1978. In a career that culminated with his appointment to the High Court of Australia in 1998, he served as president of the Bar Association of Queensland between 1984 and 1987, and the Australian Bar Association from 1984 to 1985.

As a justice of the High Court, Justice Callinan was well known for his judicial support for the doctrine of federalism and for applying originalism in constitutional interpretation. He also was known for his support for the development of a statutory tort to protect against the invasion of privacy.

As a member of Australia’s highest court of appeal and constitutional court for 10 years, Justice Callinan presided along with his fellow justices in the nation’s most important and defining judicial battles. By reason of his judicial office, he was a most significant contributor to the development of Australian jurisprudence, and his decisions are cited, referred to, challenged and reported on by lawyers, governments, academics and students throughout Australia.

His doctrinal contribution, particularly in the areas of common law and constitutional interpretation, will continue to be cited and debated by lawyers and legal scholars for years to come. His distinguished contribution to the federalism school of interpretation will mark his place in Australian legal history.

Immediately after his retirement from the High Court in 2007, Justice Callinan was appointed to conduct a Commission of Inquiry into the outbreak of equine influenza in Australia. He continues to practise law as a mediator and arbitrator and most recently was the mediator in the almost 100 pre-litigation mediations that resulted from the collapse of Storm Financial Services.

Issued April 26, 2012

Media enquiries: linden.woodward@jcu.edu.au T. 07 4232 1007