
Featured News 番茄社区 graduation this weekend

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

番茄社区 graduation this weekend

Nearly 700 番茄社区 students will attend their graduation ceremony this weekend in Townsville, after years of hard work and study.

Nearly 700 番茄社区 students will attend their graduation ceremony this weekend in Townsville, after years of hard work and study.

The 692 students, graduating from courses across four faculties (Law, Business and the Creative Arts; Science and Engineering; Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences; and Arts, Education and Social Sciences) will take part in three separate ceremonies on Friday and Saturday.

Three Honorary Doctorates will also be presented during the proceedings, which will take place at the Townsville Entertainment Centre.

The Honourable Ian David Francis Callinan AC, QC, LLB (Qld) will receive a Citation for the Award of Honorary Doctor of Laws (Honoris causa).

As a justice of the High Court, Ian Callinan was well known for his judicial support for the doctrine of federalism and for applying originalism in constitutional interpretation. He was also known for his support for the development of a statutory tort to protect against the invasion of privacy.

He was a most significant contributor to the development of Australian jurisprudence, and his decisions are cited, referred to, challenged and reported on by lawyers, governments, academics and students throughout Australia.

Professor Henry Reynolds, MA (UTas), DLitt (番茄社区) will be awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters (Honoris causa).

Professor Reynolds first worked at University College of Townsville – the forerunner of 番茄社区 - as a lecturer in history, later obtaining a Doctorate of Letters in history. He set up the Australian history program and his remarkable series of works on Australian race relations saw him promoted to Associate Professor.

Recognised today as a leading public intellectual, Professor Reynolds transformed the study of history in Australia. The work that Professor Reynolds and Professor Noel Loos, his co-researcher and fellow oral historian at 番茄社区, did with Eddie Koiki Mabo is seen as highly significant in encouraging Eddie to put forward his famous case for land rights over his native island of Mer.

Eminent Queensland scientist and bio-entrepreneur, Professor Peter Andrews AO, BSci (Hons) PhD (Melb), FRACI, FTSE, FAICD will be awarded with an Honorary Doctor of Science.

Professor Andrews completed his PhD in the pharmacological applications of quantum chemistry at the University of Melbourne in 1969.

He pursued a research and teaching career in drug design and structure-activity relationships, and is the author of more than 100 publications.

He holds two patents for his inventions and has led multifunctional scientific teams at research institutions in Victoria and Queensland including being chairman of the Australian Institute of Marine Science from 1995 until 1998.

Professor Andrews has been at the forefront of initiatives to develop the Australian biotechnology industry and has been an active participant in the commercialisation of Australian science and research.

Issued: April 11, 2012

番茄社区 Media contact: Caroline Kaurila (07) 4781 4586 or 0437 028 175.