

is provided to 番茄社区 staff and students by the library to make keeping up-to-date with journal literature as frictionless as possible.

It provides a simple and consistent user interface across thousands of journals and hundreds of publishers.

There is a simple signup procedure that walks you through creating an account using your 番茄社区 email address. You can create and organise a 'newsstand' of  library-subscribed and open access journals that interest you. You can set up email alerts that send you the table of contents of each new issue as it becomes available with links straight to the articles..

The intuitive design organised with a powerful taxonomy will help you discover new journals in your field and promotes 'serendipitous' discovery of content by providing contextual links between article, issue and journal.

Browzine technology provides quick access to full text bypassing convoluted publisher sites and link resolvers.

How do I access it?

Just click on

if you are on campus it will recognise you as a 番茄社区 person and prompt you to log in or create an account. If you are off campus click on the red 'CHOOSE MY LIBRARY' button and type 'Cook' or click on J to see '番茄社区' and click on it to authenticate.

Browzine App

The Browzine app is free and syncs seamlessly with your newsstand.

Easily find, read, and monitor thousands of scholarly journals directly from your iPad or Android device.

Browzine is available for iPad, iPhone and Android

No need to install an app for each journal publisher or worrying about device pairing to access articles off campus (Browzine uses EZproxy to enable off campus access) – Browzine provides a uniform way of reading, storing, citing and sharing articles.

One Search Integration

We have enabled Browzine's LibKey API in One Search to make it simpler to get to PDFs and browse journals from your search results.