
Craig Volker

Craig Volker


Craig Alan Volker




Papua New Guinea language documentation

Tok Pisin and pidgin-creole studies

New Ireland (Papua New Guinea) studies

Second language teaching (Tok Pisin, English, German)



+675 7939 3689  
+351 920 402 046






PNG address:

PO Box 642, Kavieng, New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea


24 January 2013–present: Adjunct Professor, The Cairns Institute, 番茄社区, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Research emphasising language documentation and sociolinguistics in Papua New Guinea and liaising with New Ireland communities.

2 April - 31 March 2021 (12 months): Guest professor, Faculty of Letters, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan. Research project on the translation of Bahā?ī scripture into Asia-Pacific languages and taught post-graduate seminar in post-colonial language policies

2-13 March 2020 (0.5 month): Visiting Professor, Department of English, University of Bern, Switzerland. Taught intensive beginning Tok Pisin workshop.

1 May–30 June 2017 and 1 November–31 January 2018 (5 months): Jakob Fugger Visiting Professor, Department of German Linguistics, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany. Research project on Rabaul Creole German and taught seminars on post-colonial language policies, German-speaking communities outside Germany, and Tok Pisin.

1-30 November 2017 (1 month): Visiting Lecturer, Museum Fünf Kontinente and Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Munich, Germany. Intensive course in practical Tok Pisin.

6 June–9 July 2015, 18 April–2 June 2016, and 8-22 July 2017 (3 months): Visiting Professor, Faculty of Languages and Literature, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. Intensive courses in practical Tok Pisin and seminars about sociolinguistics in South Pacific region.

25 March 2013–31 December 2015 (2 years, 9 months): Professor of Linguistic Research, Divine Word University, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Research position.

30 May 1991—30 September 2012 (21 years, 4 months): Assistant professor (1991-1995) then Associate Professor (1995-2003), and Professor of Languages (from 2004), Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University / 岐阜聖徳学園大学 (formerly the Gifu University for Education and Languages / 岐阜教育大学), Gifu, Japan (Faculty of Languages and School of Graduate Studies). Linguistic research and taught undergraduate and post-graduate courses in linguistics, intercultural communication, South Pacific studies, and English as a second language. Supervised teacher training practica.

1 November 1989—30 April 1991 (1 year, 6 months): Senior Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea—Goroka Teachers College (now the University of Goroka), Goroka, Papua New Guinea. Taught courses in English, ESL didactics, and supervised teacher training practica.

1 January 1987–31 October 1989 (2 years, 10 months), Full-time doctoral student.

21 March 1980—31 December 1986 (5 years, 9 months): Education Officer, National Institutions Division, Department of Education, Papua New Guinea (Aiyura National High School and Passam National High School). Teacher and department head of English.

4 September 1975—15 March 1980 (4 years, 6 months): Teacher, Department of Education, Queensland, Australia. Teacher of English, French, and German.


1975 Bachelor of Arts with Honors (German and English), University of Montana

1983 Master of Literary Studies, University of Queensland. Thesis title: An introduction to Rabaul Creole German (Unserdeutsch)

1988 Graduate Diploma of Education in TESOL, South Australian College of Advanced Education (now the University of South Australia)

1994 PhD, University of Hawai'i (linguistics). Dissertation title: Nalik Grammar (New Ireland, Papua New Guinea)


Graduate Participant, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawai'i 1987-1989

Portuguese as a foreign language, University of Coímbra, Coímbra, Portugal, 2015.


United States, Germany, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Portugal , Switzerland


English—mother tongue (mother British, father American): C2

German— native-like fluency: C2

Tok Pisin (Papua New Guinea)—native-like fluency: C2

Nalik (New Ireland, Papua New Guinea)—fluent: C2

French—working knowledge: B2

Japanese—working knowledge: B1

Portuguese—working knowledge: B1

Spanish–basic knowledge: A1

Bahasa Indonesia–basic knowledge: A1

Esperanto—basic knowledge: A1


Wangpaang (Assistant Talking Chief) of the Sea Eagle Clan of the Nalik people of New Ireland


Linguistic Society of America, life member

Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea

Foundation for Endangered Languages

Societas Linguistica Europaea


International / interdisciplinary collaboration

Member, Editorial Board, , a Japan-based journal.

Education Projects International Project in New Ireland: a project to integrate indigenous knowledge and language into the all-English school environment of the Nalik and Notsi-speaking communities

Review editor, the journal of the Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea

Tok Pisin

Rewriting an expanded and extensively revised edition of The Oxford Papua New Guinea Dictionary of Tok Pisin, Oxford University Press.

English and Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea, Cambridge History of the English Language, Cambridge University Press

Tok Pisin, Grammars of World and Minority Languages, University College London Press

Language documentation

Nalik language. Collecting and processing data for a bilingual Nalik-English dictionary. Access an online working draft of the Nalik Dictionary and other material in and about the Nalik language.



  • Volker, Craig. The Nalik Language of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea (Berkeley Models of Grammars Series 4). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1998.
    ISBN 0-8204-3673-9
  • Volker, Craig Alan &Takayuki Hoko. Internet Surfing: Hawai'i. Nagoya: Sankeisha, 2001.
    ISBN 4-88361-038-1
    (Revised 2011 as Hawai?i: English with Aloha ISBN 978-4-88361-820-0)
  • Volker, Craig Alan. Culture in a Global Society. Nagoya: Sankeisha, 2002.
    ISBN 4-88361-058-6
  • Volker, C.A. (General Editor). The Oxford Papua New Guinea Dictionary of Tok Pisin. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2008.
    ISBN 978-0-19-555112-9
  • 寶壺/貴之, フォルカー,クレイグ?アラン, 井土/康仁, & 中澤/大貴. 映画スターの人生と活躍の日々/ The Lives and Times of Movie Stars. Nagoya: Screenplay Fourin, 2013.
    ISBN 978-4894075016
  • Volker, Craig Alan & Fred Anderson (eds). Education in Languages of Lesser Power: Asia-Pacific Perspectives (IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society Book 35). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015.
    ISBN 9789027218766
  • クレイグアランフォルカー. Let's go to the Park! こうえんへいこう! Nagoya: Sankeisha. 2015.
    ISBN 978-4864874304
  • Cláudio da Silva & Craig Alan Volker (eds.).  A Maani: Birds and Nalik Culture. Sheridan, Wyoming Education Projects International. 2018.
    ISBN 978-1-5136-1827-2
  • Suzuki, Akiko, Satomi Maruyama, Craig Alan Volker, & Takayuki Hoko. Hiro and the Miso Ghost: All about Hatcho Miso. Nagoya: Sankeisha, 2018.
    ISBN 978-4864878623

Book chapters

  • Volker, Craig. “Variation in Nalik grammar.” In Oceanic studies: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics, , edited by John Lynch and Fa‘afo Pat, 451-462. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 1996.
    DOI 10.15144/PL-C133.451
  • Volker, Craig. “The indigenisation of the Baha’i Faith in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea.” In Proceeds of the 8th Annual Conference, Association of Baha’i Studies–Japan, 87-93. Tokyo: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 2000.
  • Volker, Craig Alan. “The German language in Papua New Guinea.”. Language in Papua New Guinea, edited by Toru Okamura, 107-126. Tokyo: Kuroshio, 2007.
    ISBN 978-4894763531
  • クレイグ?アラン?フォルカー“パプア?ニューギニアにあけるドイツ語.” In 異文化のクロスロード, edited by 岐阜聖徳学園大学外国語学部, 167-192. Tokyo: Sairyusha, 2007.
    ISBN 978-4779112348
  • クレイグ?アラン?フォルカー“メラネシアとハワイのピジン英語は同じ祖先か.” In  南太平洋の言語, edited by 岡村 徹, 71-99. Hiroshima: Keisuisha, 2013.
  • Volker, Craig Alan. “The diversity of Asia-Pacific language ecologies.” In Education in Languages of Lesser Power: Asia-Pacific Perspectives (IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society Book 35), edited by Craig Alan Volker & Fred Anderson, 1-11. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015.
    DOI 10.1075/impact.35.01vol
  • Volker, Craig Alan. “Vernacular education in Papua New Guinea: Reform or deform?” In Education in Languages of Lesser Power: Asia-Pacific Perspectives (IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society Book 35), edited by Craig Alan Volker & Fred Anderson,  205-211. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015.
    DOI 10.1075/impact.35.12vol
  • Volker, Craig Alan. “The legacy of the German language in Papua New Guinea.” The Cultural Legacy of German Colonial Rule, edited by Klaus Mühlhahn, 167-191. Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter Oldenbourg, 2017.
    DOI 10.1515/9783110525625-009
  • Maitz, Péter, Siegwalt Lindenfelser, & Craig A. Volker. “Unserdeutsch (Rabaul Creole German), Papua New Guinea.” Varieties of German Worldwide, edited by Hans Boas, Ana Deumert, Mark L. Louden, & Péter Maitz.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. (forthcoming).
  • da Silva, Cláudio & Craig Alan Volker. “Integrating Local Traditional Wisdom into School: An Example from Papua Guinea.” International Year of Indigenous Languages - IYIL 2019. UNESCO, Accepted for publication.

Academic articles

  • Volker, Craig. “Individualisation -- an American's experience,” Modern Language Teachers Association of Queensland Newsletter, (April 1978):  24-28.
  • Volker, Craig. “An experiment in individualisation,” Modern Language Teachers Association of Queensland Journal 1 (1978): 16-20.
  • Volker, Craig. “Teaching literature in National High Schools,” Papua New Guinea TESL Association Journal 3, no. 2 (1984).
  • Volker, Craig (editor). Papua New Guinea TESL Association Journal 4, no. 2 (1986).
  • Volker, Craig. “Is a frog a rat? Comments on PNG classificatory systems,” PNG TESLA Magazine 6, no. 1 (1988).
  • Volker, Craig. “Rabaul Creole German syntax,” University of Hawai‘i Working Papers in Linguistics 21, no. 1 (1989):153-189 .
  • Volker, Craig. “The relationship between traditional secret languages and two school-based pidgin languages in Papua New Guinea.” Horizons: Journal of Asia-Pacific Issues (EWC) 3 (1989): 19-24.
  • Volker, Craig A. “.” Journal of Bahá'í Studies 2 no. 3 (1990).
  • Volker, Craig. “,” Language and Linguistics in Melanesia 22 (1991): 143-156.
  • Volker, Craig. “Changing language patterns in a Papua New Guinean society,&谤诲辩耻辞;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;圣徳学园岐阜教育大学纪要 /Annals of the Gifu University for Education and Languages 25 (1993): 107-123.
  • Volker, Craig [フォルカークレイグ]. “.” 聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 /Annals of the Gifu University for Education and Languages 29 (1995): 131-140.
  • Volker, Craig. “,&谤诲辩耻辞;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;圣徳学园岐阜教育大学纪要 /Annals of the Gifu University for Education and Languages 30 (1995): 257-287.
  • Volker, Craig. “South Pacific studies: a content-based ESL course for university students,”  19, no. 11(1995):19-20 & 44.
  • Volker, Craig [クレイグ?フォルカー]. “,&谤诲辩耻辞;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;圣徳学园岐阜教育大学纪要 /Annals of the Gifu University for Education and Languages 32 (1996): 1-33.
  • Volker, Craig. “Short notes: Rabaul Creole German,” The Carrier Pidgin 25 (1997).
  • Volker, Craig. “.” 聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 / Annals of the Gifu University for Education and Languages 35 (1998): 1-4.
  • Volker, Craig Alan [クレイグ アランフォルカー ]. “,” The Annals of Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University Faculty of Foreign Languages 42 (2003): 1-6.
  • Volker, Craig Alan [クレイグ アランフォルカー ]. “,” 岐阜聖徳学園大学紀要外国语学部编 / The Annals of Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University Faculty of Foreign Languages 44 (2005) 19-25.
  • Volker, Craig Alan. “, ”Language and Linguistics in Oceania 1 (2009): 13-30.
  • Volker, Craig Alan [クレイグ アランフォルカー ]. “.” 岐阜聖徳学園大学紀要外国语学部编 / The annals of Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University Faculty of Foreign Languages 50 (2011): 53-59.
  • Volker, Craig Alan. “ ” Language & Linguistics in Melanesia 31:2 (2013): 121-130.
  • Maitz, Péter, Werner K?nig, & Craig A. Volker. “.” Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik 44:1(2016): 93–96.
    DOI 10.1515/zgl-2016-0004
  • Maitz, Péter & Craig Alan Volker. “.” Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 32:2 (2017): 365–397.
    DOI 10.1075/jpcl.32.2.06mai
  • Maitz, Péter & Craig A. Volker. “.” Language Contact in the German Colonies: Papua New Guinea and beyond Special issue of Language and Linguistics in Melanesia, ed. by Péter Maitz & Craig A. Volker (2017): 1-8.
  • Maitz, Péter, Werner K?nig, Craig Alan Volker, Siegwalt Lindenfelser, Angelika G?tze, Salome Lipfert, & Katharina Neumeier. “,” German Research. 40:3 (2019): 28-33.
    DOI 10.1002/germ.201870309
  • da Silva, Cláudio & Craig Alan Volker. “Indigenous Knowledge and Language Revival in Post-Colonial Education in Papua New Guinea. ” Asian Anthropology. (accepted for publication).

Academic reviews

  • Volker, Craig. “Review of Norbert Boretsky's Akten des 1. Essener Kolloqiums über ‘Kreolsprachen und Sprachkontakte’ vom 26.1.1985 an der Universit?t Essen. ”  Language and Linguistics in Melanesia 23: 2, (1992 ): 209-212.
  • Volker, Craig Alan.. “Review of Zdzslaw (Ziggy) Kruczek’s Histori bilong Katolik Sios,” MI-CHA-EL CSMA 20 (2014).
  • Volker, Craig Alan. “,,” Languages and Linguistics in Melanesia 33:1 (2015): 78-81.

Other publications

  • Volker, Craig. “Malagan in Madina. Paradise Magazine 93. (1992).
  • Volker, Craig & Atsushi Miyahara.  “Japan’s ‘Pacific Islands’, Pacific Magazine. (1March 2005).
  • Volker, Craig. “Expo Pacific Style: 11 Pacific Nations Make It To Nagoya, Pacific Magazine. (1 September 2005).
  • Volker, Craig. “Haunted Voices In The Night: A New Ireland Cave Holds Grim Memories, Pacific Magazine. (1 July 2007).
  • Volker, Craig Alan & Marc Konik.  “Kayan Masks and Garamuts, Paradise Magazine 6. (2013).
  • Volker, Craig Alan.”, The National Weekender.  Monthly Papua New Guinea newspaper column.  27 January 2017 to present.

Drama and film productions

  • Guest presenter and cultural advisor to the dramatic production Unserdeutsch – ein dokumentarisches Südseem?rchen. Directed by Nicola Unger (KUNST-SToFF, e.V.). Premiered in the Goethe Institute Sprachen ohne Grenzen Festival, Berlin 18 September 2009, then Hamburg, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Dresden.
  • Linguistic and cultural advisor to directed by Marc Thümmler. Berlin: Filmgestalten 2015.