
Carola Emkow

Photo Carola Emkow



La Trobe University (Research Centre for Linguistic Typology), Melbourne May 2007

PhD. in Linguistics

Title of thesis: A grammar of Araona an Amazonian language of Northwestern Bolivia

Free University of Berlin, Berlin July 2001

Magistra Artium in English Philology and Romance Studies

Title of thesis: Intensi_ers and reexives from a typological perspective


Language and Culture Research Centre, 番茄社区 November 2018 - Present

Research Fellow Cairns, Australia

  • Preparing publication of PhD thesis with Mouton de Gruyter
  • Advancing a full-length grammar of Bena Bena (Papuan, Gorokan)

Friedrich-Schiller Universityat Jena Mrz 2017 - January 2019

Research Fellow Jena, Germany

  • DoBeS Language Documentation Project of the Bena Bena language (Papuan, Gorokan family)

Project leader: Prof. Volker Gast

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology May 2012 - May 2015

Research Fellow Leipzig, Germany

  • DoBeS Language Documentation Project of the Bena Bena language (Papuan, Gorokan family)

Project leader: Prof. Bernard Comrie

Free University of Berlin October 2010 - July 2013

Lecturer in English linguistics Berlin, Germany

  • Introductory seminars and lectures for B.A. students
  • Advanced seminars and lectures for B.A. students
  • Supervision of B.A. theses
  • Seminars and courses for M.A. students

Free University of Berlin April 2009 - July 2009

Guest professor Berlin, Germany

  • Introductory seminars and lectures for B.A. students
  • Advanced seminars and lectures for B.A. students
  • Supervision of B.A. theses
  • Seminars and courses for M.A. students

Free University of Berlin October 2006 - January 2009

Research fellow Berlin, Germany

  • Typological investigation of reciprocal constructions and symmetric predicates in the world’s languages

Project Leader: Prof. Ekkehard KOnig

Free University of Berlin October 1998 - July 2001

Student Assistant Berlin, Germany

  • Typological investigation of intensi_ers, focus particles and reflexivity

Project Leader: Prof. Ekkehard KOnig

Technical Strengths

Computer Programs Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Latex, MySql

Tools for linguistic analysis Praat, Elan, Audacity, Toolbox, FLex, Lexique Pro


Emkow, Carola. To appear. A grammar of Araona {an Amazonian language of Northwestern Bolivia.

Berlin: DeGruyter Mouton

Emkow, Carola. 2019. Topological relations and frames of reference in Kaqchikel, Tz'utujil and Q'anjob'al. University of California. Available at https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6gv5t2fr

Emkow, Carola. 2012. 'Araona'. In: Muysken, Peter & Crevels, Mily (eds.). Las Lenguas de Bolivia.

La Paz: Los Editores.

Emkow, Carola. 2010. Review of Eighteenth century Cholon by Alexander-Bakkerus. IJAL: 273-274

Lenguas de Bolivia. La Paz: Los Editores.

Emkow, Carola. 2001. 'Intensi_ers and reexives from a typological perspective' (Magistra Artium thesis). Berlin: Free University of Berlin.

Emkow, Carola & Knapp, Regina. 2012-2019. Documentation of the Bena Bena language. Available at: http://dobes.mpi.nl/projects/benabena/

Emkow, Carola. 'Culture, bilum, body, language’ To be submitted to Oceania.

Emkow, Carola & Aubona, Gibson. 'Topological relations and frames of reference in Bena Bena'. To be submitted to Anthropological Linguistics.

Emkow, Carola & Knapp, Regina. 'Culture, body, and language. The use of body parts in the language of emotion and mental states.' To be submitted to Anthropological Linguistics

Emkow, Carola. 'Culture, bilum, body, language’. To be submitted to Oceania.