
Abu Saleh Mohammad Rafi


Abu Saleh Mohammad Rafi is a sessional academic, teacher-educator and doctoral research candidate in Linguistics at 番茄社区, Australia. He is a former research fellow at the University of New England, Australia. He specialised in Sociolinguistics at Liverpool Hope University, U.K. and studied English literature at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.


Office: Room-106, Building-004, 番茄社区 Townsville, Bebegu Yumba campus, Douglas.  
Phone: 07 4232 1351
Email: rafisaleh.rafi@my.jcu.edu.au

Research Interests

Translanguaging pedagogies, teacher education, indigenous education, critical race theory.

Current Projects

Rafi is completing his doctoral research project under the supervision of Prof Anne-Marie Morgan, Dean, Arts, Society and Education and Dr Florence Boulard, Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, 番茄社区, Australia. His external supervisors are Associate Professor Finex Ndhlovu and Adjunct Associate Professor Susan Feez from the University of New England, Australia.

Rafi's project explores the promises of translanguaging pedagogies in the context of Bangladeshi higher education. Drawing on a two-pronged ethnographic research design, Rafi collected data from two public and two private universities in Bangladesh. His research work progress was evaluated as "Exceptional top 5%" in all categories of his pre-completion seminar.


  • 2021: MRF Competitive Completion Grant
  • 2020: 番茄社区 Postgraduate Research Scholarship
  • 2020: Keith and Dorothy Mackay Travelling Scholarship
  • 2018-2019: UNE International Postgraduate Research Award (IPRA)
  • 2015: Liverpool Hope University International Postgraduate Award


  • ED4995 - Education Across Culturally Diverse Contexts
  • ED3443 - English as an Additional Language/Dialect for Indigenous learners

Recent Publications in Linguistics

Rafi, A.S.M., & Morgan, A.M (accepted). Blending translanguaging and CLIL: Pedagogical benefits and ideological challenges in a Bangladeshi classroom. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.

Rafi, A. S. M., & Morgan, A. -M. (2022a). A pedagogical perspective on the connection between translingual practices and transcultural dispositions in an Anthropology classroom in Bangladesh. International Journal of Multilingualism.

Rafi, A.S.M. & Morgan, A. -M. (2022b). Linguistic ecology of Bangladeshi higher education: a translanguaging perspective. Teaching in Higher Education.

Rafi, A. S. M., & Morgan, A.-M. (2022c).Translanguaging as a transformative act in a reading classroom: Perspectives from a Bangladeshi private university. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. 27 (4), 512-529.  

Rafi, A. S. M., & Morgan, A.-M.(2022d). Translanguaging and power in academic writing discourse: the case of a Bangladeshi university. Classroom Discourse.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

Rafi, A.S.M. & Morgan, A. M. (2021). Translanguaging and academic writing in English-only classrooms: A case-study from Bangladeshi higher education. In W. Ordeman (Ed.), Creating a Transnational Space in First Year Writing Classroom. Vernon Press.

Rafi, A.S.M. (2022). [Forthcoming]. Students' Uptake of Translanguaging Pedagogies and Translanguaging-oriented Assessment in an ELT Classroom at a Bangladeshi University. In R. Khan, A. Bashir, L. B. Basu, & E. Uddin (Eds.), Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching- Teaching in Changing Times. Springer Nature.

Newsletter article

Rafi, A.S.M. (2020). Shortcomings of validating translanguaging without pedagogic focus in bilingual classroom. TESOL Bilingual-Multilingual Education Interest Section (B-MEIS)December 2020. Retrieved from:http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolbeis/issues/2020-11-25/7.html

Opinion Piece

Rafi, A.S.M. (2021, October 19). Nurturing the dynamism of multilingual students. The Daily Star. Retrieved from: 

Blog Post

Rafi, A.S.M.  (2019, June 21).  The languages of learning [Blog post]. Retrieved from: 

Previous publications in Literature and Cultural Studies

  1. Rafi, A. S. M. (2012) The "Lost Generation" Now and Then: An Analysis of Lady Brett Ashley in The Sun Also Rises in Conjunction with "Facebook" Case-Studies. Harvest: Jahangirnagar University Studies in Language and Literature, 27, 22-42.
  2. Rafi, A. S. M. (2011). The Recent Revolution on Celluloid: A Change in the Socio-Cultural Environment. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, 20, 1-10.
  3. Rafi, A. S. M. (2012). The comparative nature in Comparative Literature: A case study of some major Bengali literary works in conjunction with other national literatures. Bangladesh Research Foundation Journal, 1, 89.
  4. Rafi, A. S. M. (2015). 'Gender-Neutrality' Against 'Gender Equality: ’Evading the Anti-feminist Backlash. GSTF Journal on Education (JEd), 3(1).
  5. Sattar, S., & Rafi, A. S. M. (2014). In Quest of "Answers" in the Colonial Sands: A Comparative Study of Waliullah and Camus' "Absurd" Protagonists. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 4(11), 867-871.
  6. Sattar, S., & Rafi, A. S. M. (2015). The Cyborg Entity in Gibson's Neuromancer: An Idealistic "Cyborg Manifesto?". Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 5(11), 959-969.

Invited Talks

  1. Rafi, A. S. M. ( 2020, October 30). Webinar keynote: Introducing Translanguaging as a Pedagogical Approach in Bangladeshi Education. Department of English, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP).
  2. Rafi, A. S. M. ( 2021, February 27). Keynote: , International Society of Teachers, Administrators and Researchers- an organisation accredited by the Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines.
  3. Rafi, A. S. M. (2021, April 5). Webinar Talk: , Jagannath University, Dhaka.
  4. Rafi, A. S. M. (2021, April 8). Webinar Talk: Teaching Bangladeshi students in the 21st century: What translanguaging can offer?Department of English, Stamford University, Bangladesh.
  5. Rafi, A. S. M. (2021, May 1). Webinar Talk. Department of English, American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB), Bangladesh.
  6. Rafi, A. S. M. (2021, August 26). Webinar Talk:  Beauty Secrets and Translanguaging Pedagogies: A Research Story. Centre of Language Studies, University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh.

Conference Presentations

  1. Rafi, A. S. M. (2021, April). Translanguaging for a learner-centred classroom: Perspectives from a Bangladeshi public university. Presentation at the 50th Annual National Association of Bilingual Education Conference, Houston, Texas.
  2. Rafi, A. S. M. (2021, March). Translanguaging, power and learner's agency in academic writing. Presentation at the American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference.
  3. Rafi, A. S. M. (2020, September). Translanguaging disruptions in English literature classroom: Perspectives from a Bangladeshi public university. Presentation at the LASSO 49th Virtual Annual Meeting.
  4. Rafi, A. S. M. (2020, March). Translanguaging in the artificial monoculture: Perspectives from a Bangladeshi private university. Georgetown University Roundtable- 2020. Washington D.C., USA.
  5. Rafi, A. S. M. (2019, January). Translanguaging in monocultural English departments: Possibilities and challenges. UNE Postgraduate Conference, Intersections of Knowledge, University of New England, Australia.
  6. Rafi, A. S. M. (2019, November). The disparity of English in language education policy: A case study of conflicting attitudes among three streams of students in Bangladesh.Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) Conference, Applied linguistics and language teaching: Making connections, Curtin University University, Australia.
  7. Rafi, A. S. M. (2019, November). Disrupting the artificial monoculture of English departments in the international context through translanguaging pedagogies: Possibilities and challenges. A(a)ll around the world: International perspectives on research and practice in academic language and learning, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Australia.

Professional Involvement and Leadership

  1. Conference committee member, UNE Postgraduate Conference-2020: Intersection of Knowledge.
  2. International Advisory Member, UNE Life
  3. HDR Representative, Academic Board, University of New England.
  4. Founding President, Bangladeshi Student Association of UNE (BSAUNE)
  5. Chair, English Language, Honours Conference, 25-26 April 2016, Liverpool Hope University.
  6. Member, Curriculum co-design process, The English Language undergraduate programme, Liverpool Hope University, September 23, 2015.
  7. Member, Meeting of Staff/Student Liaison Committee, Liverpool Hope University. October 2015 to October 2016.


  1. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
  2. LASSO, the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
  3. National Association for Bilingual Education, Houston, USA