
Middle Years

Steps to Employment Success

Key employability strategies in  your middle years:

  • Identify employer expectations
  • Gain career relevant experience
  • Fine tune your applications skills
  • Build your networks
  • Establish a professional online presence
  • Investigate relevant professional associations
  • Take up the challenge
  • Study overseas

Identify employer expectations and fill in the gaps

Identify the skills, knowledge, and experience required of graduates in your field. Work towards filling any gaps you identify any further expanding your strengths so that you are competitive when it’s time to apply.


  • Check employer websites and job vacancy sites to identify employer expectations
  • Scan skills, knowledge and experience requirements listed in job vacancies in online job boards e.g., .
  • Use LinkedIn Learning for access to over 5000 professional development courses. Free to 番茄社区 students if you access via the 番茄社区 Library site.

Gain career-relevant experience

Evidence of relevant experience is a high priority for employers. Hands-on experience can improve your graduate job prospects, help you stand out from the crowd and give you valuable insight into the type of job you will enjoy. Gain experience and skills and demonstrate your talent and potential. Getting a foot in the door can lead to graduate employment.


  • Apply for Work Integrated Learning, placements, internships, cadetships, vacation programs or other career relevant work.
  • Check your college’s Work Integrated Learning or Placement page to identify opportunities.
  • Check, and to identify internships, cadetships and other course relevant opportunities relevant to your degree.
  • Complete the  module on the 番茄社区 Employability Edge program to see how to source course relevant experience opportunities and maximise the experience.
  • See Career and Job Search Information to find out about student placements, insurance and vacation work.

Fine tune your application skills

Ensure you are confident and capable of writing professional job applications and perform well in interviews. 番茄社区 Careers and Employability resources and support can help ensure you are successful when applying for placements, internships and other work opportunities. Use resources such as the degree relevant resume templates and book an appointment with one of the Careers team for one-on-one coaching and feedback. The  modules can also help you negotiate contemporary recruitment processes and develop confidence in your job application skills.

Build your networks

Networking is a very effective career development and job search strategy. Seize all opportunities to meet employers on or off campus, in person, or online. Employers get to know you and you get to hear of opportunities - it's a win-win situation.

Networking Strategies

  • Make a list of the people and groups you wish to network with. Think about your family, friends, classmates, sporting team members, work mates. Each of these people have their own networks that could prove helpful to you.
  • Complete the Develop your Professional Identity module in 番茄社区 Employability Edge to learn how to develop your professional networks.
  • Attend employer events relevant to your studies to grow your contacts and clarify industry requirements and expectations.
  • Use social media such as LinkedIn to present your professional profile and connect with people, companies and groups relevant to your career.
  • Follow organisations' Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages to see what opportunities are available.
  • Join a student club, society or group - students who you connect with can become part of your professional network when you graduate.
  • Become a student member of a professional association relevant to your degree and connect with other professionals in your field of interest.
  • See the 番茄社区 Career Snapshot for your degree to identify your relevant professional association.

Establish a professional online presence

Establish a professional online presence and connect with industry professionals. Create a LinkedIn profile and regularly update it with the knowledge, skills and experiences you are gaining.

  • Watch  to understand the value of LinkedIn to your career.
  • Visit  ,  and  for advice on how to maximise your use of LinkedIn as a career development tool.
  • If you need help with your profile, contact 番茄社区 Careers and Employability for assistance.

Take up the Challenge

Study Overseas

Investigate Relevant Professional Associations