
Information for Schools

Find out what’s required for your students to start at 番茄社区 NOW. Download the 番茄社区 NOW Guide.

Take a look at when classes start and other important key dates.

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As a part of the Student Application process each high school is to nominate a coordinator/mentor for the student/s studying in the 番茄社区 NOW program.

This staff member will provide care and support for their student/s enrolled in the program, be a point of contact for the university and will monitor their student/s progress.

No, there is no limit on the number of students one school can recommend for the program, however each subject does have a capped number of places available. Please see the Subjects page for the number of places available for each subject.

No, registration is not required for schools to participate, however as a part of the student Application process, the school is to nominate a coordinator/mentor for the student/s studying the 番茄社区 NOW program.

This staff member will provide care and support for their student/s enrolled in the program, be a point of contact for the university and will monitor their student/s progress.

Students who successfully complete a 番茄社区 NOW subject will receive two points towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) for every subject, up to the maximum allowable limit (8) set by the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA). Results will be uploaded to the QCAA portal within four (4) weeks of 番茄社区 results being released.

* Students in Year 12 studying in Teaching Period 2 do not receive QCE points.
* Students outside of Queensland are not eligible to receive QCE Points. 番茄社区 NOW does not contribute points towards other state senior certificates.

Your School Relationship Manager is available to answer any general questions you may have about the program, or you can contact the Future
Students team by email hello@jcu.edu.au or by phone 1800 943 499.

There will also be a dedicated 番茄社区 NOW Coordinator who will be available to support students and monitor their academic progress in the program. The 番茄社区 NOW Coordinator is available to answer any academic questions you may have about your students in the program. You can contact the 番茄社区 NOW Coordinator by email hello@jcu.edu.au.