番茄社区 Graduate Research

Greatest needs fund enables student research at 番茄社区.

Undertaking a research degree is a unique experience. It is creative, challenging, emotionally and intellectually demanding, and often-times immensely rewarding. However, research takes time and can be costly, by supporting 番茄社区's Graduate Research students you are enabling research that addresses some of the critical challenges facing the tropics.

At 番茄社区 we believe in the transformative power of education and its power to nourish enquiring minds and help navigate an increasingly complex world. The Graduate Research Greatest Needs Fund collects donations that enable student research at 番茄社区.

Each year, the Dean of Graduate Research will identify the area of greatest need within the Graduate Research School and all donations raised in that year will be dedicated to that area. This might include special grants and scholarships for research activities or seed funding for projects.