
番茄社区 Prizes Browse all prizes Prof John Lucas Memorial Prize

Professor John Lucas Memorial Prize for Excellence in Aquaculture

History of the prize

The Professor John Lucas Memorial Prize for Excellence in Aquaculture was founded in 2020 by a donation from the College of Science & Engineering with the purpose of acknowledging John's immense contributions to Aquaculture and the University at large. John was an early member of the academic staff in Biological Sciences at 番茄社区. His initial research was on decapod crustaceans. His seminal work on crown-of-thorns starfish and his later research enterprise in the culture of giant clams provided important inputs to the development of tropical marine biology at 番茄社区. His knowledge of the teaching and research institutions in the Indo-Pacific helped the setting up of an overseas student program that was at the time, unique in Australia. He was also a key figure in the establishment of a focal aquaculture research and teaching program at 番茄社区 and the first head of department of Aquaculture at 番茄社区.


College of Science and Engineering

Prize Information

Awarded to the graduating College of Science and Engineering student who is deemed to have achieved the highest overall result in third year subjects within in the discipline of Aquaculture Science and Technology.


2023 - Taysha Simone Hall

2022 - Christopher Kimball Peters

2021 - Paul Koppe

2020 - Fukuko Takei