
番茄社区 Prizes Browse all prizes Mick McLoughlin Memorial Prize

Mick McLoughlin Memorial Prize in Rural Medicine


History of the prize

This prize was founded in 2000 by the North Queensland Sub Faculty of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Maintained from a fund established by friends and colleagues and augmented by an annual donation from the RACGP Queensland. The prize is awarded to the student enrolled in year 2 of the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery whose background is from North Queensland and who demonstrates the greatest interest in and aptitude for rural medical practice.


RACGP Queensland

Prize Information

Awarded to the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery student whose background is from North Queensland and who demonstrates the greatest interest in and aptitude for rural medicine in Year 2 of the program.

$500 cash and sponsorship (up to $750) to attend an RACGP event.

2023 - Lindsay Claire Brinkman

2022 - Lindsay Claire Brinkman

2021 - Lauren Elizabeth Ruscoe

2020 - Aislinn Marguerite Stornelli

2019 - Marco Benedict De Roma

2018 - Bavelin Gill

2017 - Kathrin Orda