
Andrew Trapp (Canada)

Andrew Trapp travelled from Canada to study a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at 番茄社区’s Townsville campus. Below, he shares some of his study highlights as well as his future career plans.

Andrew Trapp in front of 番茄社区 Townsville sign

Why did you choose to study at 番茄社区?

I chose to study at 番茄社区 because of the six year undergraduate program. Having completed previous degrees that didn't cover much medical background knowledge, the early years of the medical program were perfect to fill in these gaps.  It is streamlined and convenient to have the prerequisite and medical knowledge all covered in one degree.

What has been the highlight of your study experience so far?

The highlight of my study experience has been my 2nd year rural placement in Emerald.  We (the students) were welcomed like family.  The staff invited us to trivia nights, social gatherings, and made us feel at home.  The patients were wonderful, and happy to let us practice newly learned clinical skills.  Weekends were spent exploring the countryside and fossicking (prospecting) for sapphires at Pats Gems.  It was a truly great introduction to rural medicine and the rural lifestyle.

Do you have any advice for prospective international students considering 番茄社区?

Be open-minded. Throw yourself into the experience.  Don't forget to study.

What are your Career Goals?

I have a variety of interests including Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, and General Practice.  I am fascinated with how the mind works while also enjoying the variability and faster pace of the emergency department/general practice.  The beauty of the Australian health system is that we can gain experience in specialties prior to committing to a specialty.  With that in mind, my current goals are to build a well-rounded base of knowledge in these interests, and someday, choose the specialty that suits me best.