
Graduate Research School HDR Advisors Progressing Candidates Guidelines for Placing a HDR Candidate Under Review

Guidelines for Placing a HDR Candidate Under Review

The following guidelines apply to an Advisor(s) who wishes to place their 番茄社区 HDR candidate Under Review.

1. Ensure you have read and understood the HDR Under Review Procedure and Under Review section of the HDR Requirements before you contact the Graduate Research School.

2. Provide a statement of reasons for recommending that a candidate be placed Under Review. Your statement must address the following:

  • The reason(s) why the recommendation is being made, e.g. the candidate has failed to complete their required work over a six month period and has missed three of the last five scheduled Advisory Panel meetings.

  • What actions you have undertaken prior to this point to attempt to address the issues or reasons for the recommendation. Have you asked the candidate if there are reasons for their lack of progress that they are aware of? Have you attempted to communicate with the candidate by email and phone without success?

  • What indications you have given the candidate that their progress is not satisfactory or as expected, and if you have given the candidate an indication that you will be recommending that they be placed Under Review.

  • Evidence pertaining to the above such as copies of email communications and meeting notes. It is essential that you advise the candidate of your concerns and suggestions to address these concerns in writing as well as in meetings over a period of at least several weeks before you recommend to your College that the candidate be placed Under Review, unless such a recommendation is made in the context of a formal Progress Report.

  • The recommended period of Review for the candidate. The maximum initial duration is six months.

You must be aware that the information provided in your statement will be used in the formal notification to be provided to the candidate prior to them being placed Under Review.

3. Ensure the candidate will be available during the Under Review period, during which they will be required to develop and finalise a Candidature Management Plan. The candidate will be reasonably available or have made suitable alternative arrangements during the Under Review period.