
Epigeum Research Modules

‘Epigeum’ Research Methods Modules (online)

The Epigeum modules provide flexible study that enable HDR candidates to engage in an interactive way.  The modules include a pre-course quiz as well as post-course survey and quiz activities.

Access to this and other online modules is via s Community Group ‘Higher Degree by Research Students’.  Click here for a guide to accessing Learn番茄社区.

Research Methods in the Arts & Humanities Module

This course aims to develop an awareness of the practical and conceptual skills that support effective independent scholarly research in the arts and humanities. The end goal is to help researchers to understand the issues involved in making an informed choice about the methodology and approach most suitable for their own specific project.

Components will include:

  • Introducing research methodology in the arts and humanities
  • Approaching archives, artefacts and other evidence
  • Thinking critically, thinking theoretically
  • Understanding disciplinarily and interdisciplinary
  • Is it working?

The Arts & Humanities module will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete.

Research Methods in the Sciences Module

This course aims to support doctoral and postdoctoral researchers undertaking independent research in the sciences. The course provides guidance on the different research processes, from the early stages of framing a research question, through conducting the research, to writing up findings and publication.

Components will include:

  • What is science?
  • Identifying and formulating the research question
  • Evaluating research questions
  • Designing and planning your research
  • Reflection and communication

The Sciences module will take approximately 3 hours to complete.

Research Methods in the Social Sciences Module

This course aims to support doctoral and postdoctoral researchers undertaking independent research in the social sciences. The course provides guidance on the different research processes, from the early stages of framing a research question, through conducting the research, to writing up findings and publication.

Components will include:

  • Before you get started
  • Framing your research question
  • Planning considerations
  • Designing your research
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Starting your research
  • Reporting your research

The Social Sciences module will take approximately 3 hours to complete.