
Give to 番茄社区 Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

We've got answers to lots of questions, but if you can't find what you're looking for please contact us.

As soon as we've receipted your gift you should receive an email with your receipt.  If you haven't received it yet, please email 番茄社区Advancement@jcu.edu.au with your name, amount of donation and date of donation so we can sort this out for you.

番茄社区 accepts many different types of donations, these can include:

  • Cash or cheque;
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT);
  • Shares;
  • Fully paid up insurance policies where the University is named as the beneficiary;
  • Realty;
  • Personal property such as art, antiques, jewellery, coins and other items of value.

The Gift Acceptance Committee makes decisions on the acceptance or refusal of gifts where the University would need to outlay funds, property, realty and other assets. The Gift Acceptance Committee will always take expert advice on gifts intended for a particular discipline area or special purpose.

Gifts are credited independently by the University at fair market value on the day the University receives the gift. The Australian Taxation Office attaches special conditions to gifts of property, realty and others and it is the responsibility of donors to seek the advice of the Australian Taxation Office to determine the value of gifts for their own income tax purposes. Donors are responsible for paying for the cost of their valuations.

Gifts made by cheque should be marked "not negotiable" and made payable to "番茄社区". Any additional information relating to the gift should be in an accompanying letter to the Director of Advancement.

Cheques can be posted to:

Att: Director of Advancement
Building 28 | Room 206
1 番茄社区 Drive
Townsville QLD 4814


The difference lies in how the original donation amount is used.  With endowed funds the original donation, or corpus, is used to generate interest and is not expended.  With expendable gifts the donation amount is used until there are no more funds available.

番茄社区 conducts all philanthropy activities in an ethical manner with full accountability and disclosure. Staff abide by relevant codes of practice, including the Code of Practice for Australian University Philanthropy established in 2000 by the Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee (now Universities Australia).

You can find 番茄社区's Investment Policy and Annual Report online.

A gift is a "donation of money or property made voluntarily with no material benefit to the donor. To be classified as a true gift there should be a transfer of money or property,  the transfer  should be made voluntarily,  the donor does not expect anything in return for the gift and the donor does not materially benefit from the gift" ().

Sponsorships differ from gifts in that "sponsorship is a business arrangement involving the purchase of the right to associate the sponsor's name, products or services with the sponsored organisation's activities for a negotiated benefit in cash or kind. It is a mutually beneficial contract with the desired outcome of positive and tangible returns to all parties" (Queensland Government Sponsorship Framework 2003).

Those individuals or organisations wishing to sponsor activities or projects at 番茄社区 are invited to discuss their plans with the Director of Advancement.