

Well done, you made it through the interview!

Take some time to reflect, make some notes about what happened, and follow-up with the employer to prove to them one last time that you are highly motivated and the perfect candidate for the role.

Take notes and reflect on your performance

After the interview, think about the questions that you were asked and how you answered them. Were the questions what you expected? Did you feel well prepared for them? Before too much time passes, write down the questions you were asked so that you can practice them again for future interviews. Analyse your responses and identify any areas that you need to improve on. Take some notes on the key points or important details that were raised during the interview. This will help you when writing your follow-up email to thank the panel.

Thank the interviewer

Send the interviewer an email to thank them for the opportunity and their time. Keep the email brief and professional, remind them why you are excited by the opportunity, and why you are the perfect candidate for the role. You can highlight your strengths relevant to the role, why you would like to contribute to their organisation or project. This is also a great opportunity to mention anything that you didn’t get a chance to say in the interview.

How to deal with job rejection

It can feel deflating to find out that you were unsuccessful in securing a job you thought was perfect for you. Try not to be too hard on yourself. It is important not to take it personally and be proud of yourself for being one of the few people to make it to the final round.

Instead of feeling negative about the experience, focus on what you could do to improve your chances for the next interview. Focus on the side benefits of an interview – scoping out the organisation and industry, making connections (they may interview you in the future), and learning what unexpected questions may come up. Reflect on what you have gained from the interview, what you might do differently next time and make a firm commitment to move on.

Keep practising in the mirror and in front of friends, family or a mentor. Choose people that will be honest and open with their feedback. Keep your momentum going and continue looking for other roles.

Ask for feedback

If you have been unsuccessful, you should email the interviewer to let them know you appreciated the opportunity for an interview and show your continued interest in working for the company. You’ll never know why you didn’t get the job unless you ask for feedback. This is the perfect opportunity to do that. See below an example of a job rejection notification email. Be sure to include specific details so that your reply does not seem like a generic letter:

Dear [Hiring Manager Name],

Thank you for getting back to me about your hiring decision. While I’m disappointed to hear that I was not selected for the [Job Title] position, I greatly appreciate the opportunity to interview for the job and meet some of the members of your team. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about your organisation and would love to be considered for any future job openings that may become available.

If you have a moment to spare, I would be interested to hear any feedback you have regarding my application and interview. I’m sure any details you can provide would be helpful to my job search.

Thank you again for your time and consideration, [Hiring Manager Name]. I hope our paths cross again, and I wish you and the rest of the team at [Company] all the best moving forward.

[Full Name]

Indeed Career Guide. (2023). How to respond to a job rejection email. Retrieved from 

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