
Elite Athletes ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Elite Athlete Program Application Form

·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Elite Athlete Program Application Form

Please note: supporting evidence will be required to complete this application form.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
If you have any issues submitting this form please send an email to eliteathletes@jcu.edu.au

1. Personal Details

2. Study Details

3. Sport Details

Maximum character limit - 2000.
Maximum character limit - 2000.
Maximum character limit - 2000.
Maximum character limit - 2000.
Maximum character limit - 2000.
What is the current level of completion that you compete in or coach/referee at? * (Tick all that apply)
If at an International, National or State level, do you compete or perform as a Professional, Open or Age group competitor/coach/referee? * (Tick all that apply)

Please include a sporting CV/resume with your application (i.e. from the last 3 years). In it you should outline:

  • What events you have competed in recently (i.e. over the last 3 years)
  • What teams you currently are a member of including local, regional, state, national and international
  • What events you have planned to compete in or coach/referee for in the next 12 months

Please attach a sporting CV and evidence of selection into a State or National team or Development program.

Please note: .docx, .doc and .pdf file formats accepted. Maximum file upload limit is 10MB.

4. Marketing

Maximum character limit - 3000.

5. Terms and Conditions

Click here to view the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Elite Athlete Program Terms and Conditions

I have read and confirm that I agree with the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Elite Athlete Program terms and conditions *

NOTE: Failure to comply with the conditions laid out in this agreement may result in invalidation of your Elite Athlete student status at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø.