
Triumfetta rhomboidea

(Triumfetta Burr)


Sparrmanniaceae / Tiliaceae / Malvaceae


Triumfetta rhomboidea

Common name(s)

Triumfetta Burr

Flower colour; life form

Flowers yellow. Erect shrub to 1.5 m tall.

Distinguishing features

Most parts bear both simple and stellate hairs. Leaves variable in size, entire or shallowly 3-lobed, usually ovate to broadly ovate. Flowers leaf-opposed, petals yellow, stamens 10-15. Fruit densely covered with terete prickles and stellate hairs 5-8 mm diam., 5-9 mm long. Cf. T. pentandra, stamens 5; fruit densely ciliate on one side only.

Scan of Triumfetta