
Course and Subject Handbook 2019 Courses Undergraduate Courses BEnvPrac – Land and Water Management Major

Information valid for students commencing in 2019.

BEnvPrac – Land and Water Management Major

Handbook year 


Major code


Credit point value

24 credit points for single major

Other Details

EA3007:03 Land and Water Management is a two-week block-mode subject offered in Cairns during the June/July semester break which contains some field work. Townsville-based students must make their own travel and accommodation arrangements in order to attend this subject. Please contact the College if you are unable to attend and an alternative subject may be provided.

Major Structure


Level 1

EV1005:03 Environmental Processes and Global Change

EA1110:03 Evolution of the Earth

Level 2

EA2006:03 Hydrology

EA2007:03 Soil Properties and Processes for Management

EV2401:03 Australian Landscape Processes and Evolution

Level 3

EA3007:03 Field Studies in Tropical Land and Water Science

EV3401:03 Coastal and Catchment Geomorphology

EV3454:03 Natural Hazards