
Information valid for students commencing in 2019.

Doctor of Education [Research]

Handbook year


Course code


Course type

Doctorate by Research (AQF level 10)


Tropical Environments and Societies

Award Requirements

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Requirements for admission can be found at HDR Degree Requirements

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the English language proficiency requirements of Band 2 Schedule II of the 番茄社区 Admissions Policy.

Additional selection requirements

Applicants must have practised in education or a related field approved by the Head of Education for a minimum of three years.

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

EFTSL to complete (equivalent full-time student load)


Course learning outcomes

Graduates of a Doctoral Degree will have:


  • A substantial body of knowledge at the frontier of a field of work or learning, including knowledge that constitutes an original contribution

  • Substantial knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to the field of work or learning.


  • Cognitive skills to demonstrate expert understanding of theoretical knowledge and to reflect critically on that theory and practice

  • Cognitive skills and use of intellectual independence to think critically, evaluate existing knowledge and ideas, undertake systematic investigation and reflect on theory and practice to generate original knowledge

  • Expert technical and creative skills applicable to the field of work or learning

  • Communication skills to explain and critique theoretical propositions, methodologies and conclusions

  • Communication skills to present cogently a complex investigation of originality or original research for external examination against international standards and to communicate results to peers and the community

  • Expert skills to design, implement, analyse, theorise and communicate research that makes a significant and original contribution to knowledge and/or professional practice.

Graduates of a Doctoral Degree will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:

  • With intellectual independence

  • With initiative and creativity in new situations and/or for further learning

  • With full responsibility and accountability for personal outputs

  • To plan and execute original research

  • With the ongoing capacity to generate new knowledge, including in the context of professional practice.

Course Structure


PD7007:00 Professional Doctorate Research Thesis (Education)

RD7001:03 Planning the Research: Doctoral Candidates

RD7002:03 Situating the Research: Doctoral Candidates

RD7003:03 Professional Development: Doctoral Candidates









Expected time to complete

4 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

8.5 years

Maximum leave of absence

6 months


Supervising body

Research Education Sub-Committee (RESC)

Confirmation of candidature

See HDR Degree Requirements


See HDR Degree Requirements


See HDR Degree Requirements

Subsumption of coursework subjects

Subsumption permitted

Maximum credit points of coursework subjects

21 credit points of non-core coursework subjects

Allowed coursework subjects

As approved by the Dean, Graduate Research School

Advanced Standing


A person admitted to candidature on the basis of previous enrolment in a research Masters degree relevant to the proposed Doctoral program, may be given advanced standing for work towards the Masters degree. In exceptional cases advanced standing may be given to a candidate for relevant research work undertaken at another university.

Maximum allowed

The amount of advanced standing to be awarded shall be determined by the RESC on the recommendation of the Head of the School.

Other restrictions

The University will not normally accept a candidate who has been enrolled at another institution for more than two years (full-time equivalent) or release a candidate who has been enrolled for more than two years (full-time equivalent).

Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


Inclusion of field of research on testamur

The field of research shall not appear on the testamur.

Exit with a lesser award

After examination of the thesis and subject to the requirements under HDR Degree Requirements, the RESC may approve the degree be not awarded but that the candidate be awarded an appropriate Masters degree.