
Information valid for students commencing in 2019.

Master of Global Development

Handbook year


Course code


Course type

Master (Coursework) (AQF Level 9)


Tropical Environments and Societies

Award Requirements

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Completion of an AQF level 7 Bachelor degree; or

Other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the Dean, College of Science and Engineering as equivalent to the above.

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the English language proficiency requirements of Band 1 Schedule II of the 番茄社区 Admissions Policy.

Post admission

For external delivery option, computer and internet access is required

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

48 credit points

Course learning outcomes

On successful completion of the Master of Global Development, graduates will be able to:

  • Integrate and apply an advanced body of theoretical and technical knowledge in international development policy and practice, including recent developments in the field.
  • Critically reflect on one’s social and cultural positionality to identify biases and assumptions that inform understandings of poverty, development, inequality and wellbeing.
  • Investigate, analyse, synthesise and evaluate complex information, concepts and theories from a range of sources across relevant disciplines.
  • Plan and conduct ethical and reliable evidence-based field studies and execute a substantial research-based project, by selecting and applying methods, techniques and tools, as appropriate to development practice.
  • Communicate complex theoretical propositions, methodologies, development-related data, arguments and conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences through advanced written and oral English language skills and a variety of media.
  • Analyse, evaluate and generate solutions to complex social and environmental problems, especially related to tropical, remote or Indigenous contexts, by using high levels of initiative, autonomy, accountability and collaboration in the application of development practice knowledge and skills
  • Critically review regulatory requirements, ethical principles and cultural frameworks, to work effectively, responsibly and safely in diverse contexts.
  • Model professional leadership skills and work autonomously and collaboratively in the design, implementation and evaluation of development projects and policy-related initiatives.

Course Structure


:03 Development in Practice

:03 Critical Issues in Global Development

:03 Community Development or :03 Environmental and Regional Planning

:03 Research Methods for Global Development

:03 Asia Pacific Development: Culture and Globalisation

:03 Politics and Foreign Relations


Select one of the following Options

Option 1 (Research)

Students must achieve a GPA of 5.0 or above in the first year of study to be eligible to undertake this option

: 06 Research Project

: 06 Research Dissertation


Select 18 credit points of subjects from List 1 or

Option 2 (Placement)

:12 Professional Project


Select 18 credit points of subjects from List 1 or

Option 3 (Electives)

Select 30 credit points of subjects from List 1


Disaster resilience and natural resource management

:03 Human Dimensions of Nature, Environment and Conservation

:03 Principles and Practices of Protected Area Management

:03 Environmental Management, Policy and Governance

:03 Disasters, Communities and Planning

:03 Leadership in Disaster Management

Public health

:03 Tropical Public Health

:03 Environmental Health

:03 Public Health in Humanitarian Emergencies

:03 Global Health and Development

:03 Reproductive Health in Developing Countries

Sustainable development planning and policy

:03 Environmental and Regional Planning

:03 Environmental Economics

:03 Planning for Sustainable Communities in a Changing Environment

:03 Sustainability in Practice

:03 Urban Geography and Design

:03 Communicating Sustainability and Climate Change

:03 Biodiversity and Climate Change: Impact, Mitigation and Adaptation

:03 Economics for a Sustainable World

Indigenous futures

:03 Indigenous Environmental Management

:03 Empowerment and Change

:03 Justice and Indigenous Peoples

:03 Indigenous Research Ethics

:03 Field Procedures in Indigenous Research

Governance and social change

:03 Regional Environmental History

:03 Corporate Responsibility and Governance

:03 International Political Economy

:03 Shifting Geopolitical Environments in Emerging States

:03 Political Communication; Ecology and Environmentalism

Leadership and management for development

:03 People in Organisations

:03 Leadership

:03 Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution

:03 Conflict Resolution Processes

:06 Professional Project

:03 Professional Placement

The development researcher

:03 Cost Benefit Analysis

:03 Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation in Economics

:03 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

:03 Field Studies in Tropical Geography









Expected time to complete

2 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

6  years

Maximum leave of absence

2 year


Course progression


Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Course includes mandatory Fieldwork

Yes, this course includes mandatory fieldwork

Special assessment

Must achieve a GPA of 5 or above in the first year of study to be eligible to undertake the 12 point research thesis

Professional accreditation


Maximum allowed Pass
Conceded (PC) grade


Supplementary exam for
final subject

Not applicable

Advanced Standing


Students may apply for advanced standing for previous tertiary study in accordance with the Credit and Articulation policy and associated procedures.

Advanced standing may also be granted for the following:

  • AQF level 7 bachelor degree in a cognate* discipline; or graduate certificate or graduate diploma in a non-cognate discipline – up to 12 credit points
  • AQF level 8 bachelor honours degree in a cognate* discipline with relevant professional experience** - up to 24 credit points

* Cognate disciplines include: anthropology, geography, political science, international relations, area studies and social work

** Professional experience: Applicants must have a minimum four (2) years full-time employment in the field of Global Development, examples include: employees of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (or international equivalent), international nongovernment organisations (NGOs), indigenous organisations, local councils, social enterprises.

Maximum allowed

12 credit points, except where a student transfers from one 番茄社区 award to another, then advanced standing may be granted for any subject where there is subject equivalence between the awards.


Advanced standing will be granted only for studies completed in the 10 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Advanced standing gained for any subject shall be cancelled 16 years after the date of the examination upon which the advanced standing is based if, by then, the student has not completed this course.

Other restrictions

Not applicable

Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


Exit with lesser award

Students who exit the course prior to completion, and have completed the relevant number of credit points and appropriate subjects, may be eligible to receive one of the following awards:

  • Graduate Certificate of Global Development
  • Graduate Diploma of Global Development
Special Awards

Where coursework is completed at a grade point average of 6 or above, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, on the recommendation of the College Dean of Science and Engineering may recommend the award of a Master of Global Development with Distinction