
BBusEnvSc – Aquaculture Major

Information valid for students commencing in 2017.

BBusEnvSc – Aquaculture Major

Major code


Available in

Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science

Major Structure


AQ2001:03 Introduction to Aquaculture

AQ2002:03 Aquaculture of Tropical Species


Select 12 credit points of specified subjects from List 1


Select 6 credit points of specified subjects from List 2

List 1

AQ3002:03 Aquaculture: Feeds and Nutrition

AQ3003:03 Aquaculture: Propagation

AQ3004:03 Aquaculture:  Stock Improvement

AQ3007:03 Aquatic Animal Ecophysiology

AQ3008:03 Aquaculture: Systems Design

AQ3015:03 Sustainable Aquaculture

:03 Aquaculture in Practice

List 2

EV2003:03 Introduction to Environmental Economics

EV2011:03 The Case for Sustainability

EV2502:03 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

MB2060:03 Marine Ecology and Environmental Assessment

MB2080:03 Invertebrate Biology

MB2090:03 Tropical Marine Ecosystems