Course and Subject Handbook 2017 Courses Undergraduate Courses Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) [Embedded] – Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) [Embedded] – Bachelor of Information Technology

Information valid for students commencing in 2017.

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) [Embedded] – Bachelor of Information Technology

Course code


Professional accreditation status

This course is accredited by Engineers Australia. Graduates are immediately eligible for graduate membership of Engineers Australia and, following a period of professional practice, may become Chartered Professional Engineers (CPEng).

Course type

HON – Bachelor with Honours (AQF level 8)


Division of Tropical Environments and Societies

Award Requirements

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

English, Maths B

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the English language proficiency requirements of Band 1 Schedule II of the Admissions Policy.

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

120 credit points as per course structure

Additional course rules


Additional completion

Approved exposure to Professional Engineering Practice, including required activities and industry placement, equivalent to a minimum 60 days full-time industry placement.

Must hold current Senior First Aid certificate at the time of graduation.

Course learning outcomes

The graduates of are prepared and equipped to create a brighter future for life in the tropics world-wide.

graduates are committed to lifelong learning, intellectual development, and to the display of exemplary personal, professional and ethical standards. They have a sense of their place in the tropics and are charged with professional, community, and environmental responsibility. graduates appreciate the need to embrace and be acquainted with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia. They are committed to reconciliation, diversity and sustainability. They exhibit a willingness to lead and to contribute to the intellectual, environmental, cultural, economic and social challenges of regional, national, and international communities of the tropics.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) at will be able to:

  • Integrate and apply a coherent and advanced body of theoretical and technical knowledge, including depth in the underlying concepts and principles in one engineering discipline
  • Critically appraise the role and relevance of engineering in society, with specific reference to practices and priorities for creating sustainable communities and industries in the tropics
  • Demonstrate broad understanding of engineering methods, including design processes, whole system approaches, formal project management, and decision-making strategies and their application in engineering practice
  • Retrieve, analyse, synthesise, evaluate and manage information from a range of sources for engineering practice and research
  • Plan and conduct reliable, evidence-based laboratory and/or field experiments, by selecting and applying methods, techniques and tools as appropriate to the engineering discipline
  • Organise, analyse and interpret scientific and/or engineering data using appropriate mathematical, statistical and technological skills
  • Communicate ideas, arguments and conclusions clearly and coherently to a variety of audiences, through advanced English language skills and a variety of media
  • Develop components, systems and/or processes to meet specified requirements, and creative approaches to synthesise alternative solutions, concepts and procedures for unpredictable or complex problems
  • Critically review regulatory requirements, ethical principles and cultural frameworks, to work effectively, responsibly and safely in diverse contexts and interdisciplinary teams
  • Prioritise multiple demands to achieve personal and team goals, with regular review of performance to manage continuing professional development
  • Apply knowledge of research principles and methods to plan and execute project work and/or a piece of research and scholarship with some independence.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Information Technology at will be able to:

  • Demonstrate essential knowledge for a career in  technology related professions and practice
  • Synthesise industry standard and underlying principles and concepts for decision making
  • Critically analyse the core professional obligations, values and operations of organisations including sustainability
  • Critically evaluate data and resources in the context of relevant academic literature
  • Apply critical thinking to address IT related  issues
  • Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for their audience
  • Demonstrate effective oral presentation skills for academic and professional audiences
  • Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively
  • Apply technical skills, including numeracy, necessary for professional practice
  • Demonstrate an awareness of ethical and social responsibility in professional practice
  • Identify and act upon, learning opportunities and self-improvements.

Course Structure


Level 1

CP1404:03 Programming I

CP1402:03 Internet Fundamentals

CP1403:03 Design Thinking

EG1000:03 Engineering 1

EG1002:03 Computing for Engineers

EG1010:03 Process Engineering

EG1011:03 Statics and Dynamics

EG1012:03 Electric Circuits

MA1000:03 Mathematical Foundations or MA1009:03  Algebra and Calculus 2

MA1003:03 Mathematical Techniques

PH1005:03 Advanced Stream Physics 1

Level 2

CP2404:03 Database Modelling

CP2406:03 Programming II

MA2000:03 Mathematical Techniques

Level 3

CP3407:03Advanced Software Engineering

EG3000:03 Engineering Project Management or BX2077:03 Project Management (only students taking the Electronic Systems and Internet of Things Major will be required to take BX2077)

Level 4

EG4011:03 Thesis Part 1 of 2

EG4012:03 Thesis Part 2 of 2


Select an Engineering major from Table A at the end of the first year


Select 3 credit points of CP level 2 subjects from List 1


Select 9 credit points of CP level 3 subjects from List 2


Select 6 credit points of specified subjects from List 3 or if undertaking MA1009:03 Algebra and Calculus 2 then select MA1008:03 Algebra and Calculus 1 plus 3 credit points of subjects from List 3

List 1

CP2411:03 3D Modelling and Animation

CP2408:03 Design Thinking and Creative IT Industries

CP2412:03 Game Design and Technologies

CP2410:03 Algorithms and Data Structures

CP2409:03 Networks Forensic and Data Communication

List 2

CP3302:03 Information Security

CP3307:03 Mobile Technology

CP3311:03 Simulation

CP3403:03 Data Mining

CP3404:03 Information Security

CP3405:03 Design Thinking and Project Management

CP3406 :03 Mobile Computing

CP3408:03 Game Engine and Simulation

List 3

CC2511:03 Embedded Systems Design

CC3501:03 Computer Interfacing and Control

CL2501:03 Process Analysis

CS2001:03 Engineering Strength of Materials

CS2004:03 Surveying and Construction

EA1110:03 Evolution of the Earth

EA3005:03 Mine site Rehabilitation

EE4000:03 Signal Processing 3

EG2010:03 Materials Science and Engineering

EV2301:03 Urban Geography and Design

EV3002:03 Environmental Impact Assessment

MA2100:03 Mathematical Methods and Differential Equations

MA2201:03 Numerical Mathematics

ME2525:03 Machine Element Design

ME4521:03 Bulk Materials Handling

PH2002:03 Classical Mechanics and Quantum Physics 1

PH2019:03 Introduction to Electromagnetism Optics and Thermodynamics

PH2240:03 Atomic and Nuclear Physics

TABLE A (Engineering Majors)

Type of major

Mandatory, single

Credit points in major

48 credit points

Special requirements

Some subjects in each of the majors may require students to participate in field trips, site visits or other off-campus activities. A fee may be charged by the College of Science and Engineering for costs associated with these trips.




Chemical Engineering



First year only in Cairns

Not available for mid-year entry

Civil Engineering



First year only in Cairns

Not available for mid-year entry

Electrical and Electronic Engineering



First year only in Cairns

Not available for mid-year entry in Cairns

Mechanical Engineering



First year only in Cairns

Not available for mid-year entry in Cairns

Electronic Systems and Internet of Things Engineering



First year only in Townsville

Not available for mid-year entry in Cairns





Course not available for mid-year entry

See TABLE A (Enginering Majors) for availability of majors at each campus


Course available for mid-year entry

Please note: Mid-year entry has an early start date.  Students entering mid-year must take MA1008:03 in Study Period 7 if they wish to complete the course within 4 years.

The Chemical Engineering Major is not available for mid-year entry if students wish to complete the course within 4 years.

See TABLE A (Engineering Majors) for availability of majors at each campus.


Expected time to complete

5 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

13 years

Maximum leave of absence

3 years


Course progression

Where there is overlap between the core subjects for the course and for the chosen major, students are required to contact the Division office to add substitute subjects to their study plans.

It is strongly recommended that in this situation students take extra engineering subjects as listed under the corresponding major in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) single degree.

Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Special assessment

The engineering thesis topic must be specific to the student’s chosen engineering major.

Professional accreditation


Maximum allowed Pass
Conceded (PC) grade


Supplementary exam for
final subject

Not applicable

Advanced Standing


Students may apply for advanced standing for previous tertiary study in accordance with the Advanced Standing and Articulation policy and associated procedures.

Maximum allowed

63 credit points


Advanced standing will be granted only for studies completed in the 10 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Advanced standing gained for any subject shall be cancelled 23 years after the date of the examination upon which the advanced standing is based if, by then, the student has not completed this course.

Other restrictions

A minimum of 18 credit points of engineering subjects (including 6 credit points of fourth year thesis subjects) should be completed at for each of levels 3 and 4.

If the student requests advanced standing approaching this maximum level, then the advanced standing should be predominantly from the first two levels of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) program.

Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


This is a joint degree


Inclusion of majors on

Any major may appear on the testamur

Exit with lesser award

Not applicable

Course articulation

Not applicable