
Additional Information for Nurse Practitioner Applicants

Information valid for students commencing in 2017.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements for this course are pursuant with the (ANMAC, 2015); and with the Pathways to Qualifications in the (AQF) Guidelines for Master qualifications:

  1. Must hold current general registration as a registered nurse with AHPRA with no conditions relating to unsatisfactory professional performance or unprofessional conduct; and
  2. hold a postgraduate qualification at AQF Level 8 in a clinical field; and
  3. have completed a minimum of five (5) years full time equivalent (FTE) as a registered nurse, with three (3) years in a specified clinical field and one (1) year FTE of current advanced nursing practice in this same clinical field; and
  4. be concurrently employed at least 0.5 FTE in an advanced practice*/nurse practitioner student role for the duration of the course; and
  5. have access to clinical supervision in their specialty area.

Clinical requirements

There are extensive clinical requirements in the Nurse Practitioner program (tied to employment and supernumerary integrated professional practice), with the need for a Registered Medical Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner to act as your clinical supervisor for the duration of the course. The clinical requirements are tied to the subjects NS5901, NS5902, NS5903 and NS5906. The 300 hours of supernumerary integrated professional practice may be undertaken with your current health service employer and will be supplemented by organised placement as an advanced practice nurse/supported NP student by negotiation.  This supernumerary practice is documented by Mini-CEX assessments; formative and summative assessments completed by your supervisor(s) for submission to 番茄社区 and inclusion in your NP portfolio required to be submitted to AHPRA.

Clinical Supervisor requirements

A Clinical Supervisor is a Medical Practitioner or Registered Nurse Practitioner who is currently practising the extended clinical skills in the specialty field of the student. At least one Clinical Supervisor will be identified by prospective students on application for the course.

The Clinical Supervisor will have completed a Clinical Supervisor Registration Form agreeing to supervise, mentor and assess the student. Subjects requiring clinical assessments (NS5901, NS5902, NS5903, NS5906) will require the clinical supervisor(s) to sign a verification of clinical support form each year you are in the course.

The Clinical Supervisor is required to have regular contact and collaboration with the student. In some instances in remote settings, the Clinical Supervisor may be in telephone contact (e.g. Royal Flying Doctor). In all situations, the Clinical Supervisor is required to monitor and assess the extended practice of the student.

Students may also identify additional clinicians relevant to the specialty. These clinicians may be pharmacists, radiographers or other allied health professionals. In some situations, a senior nurse (e.g. Director of Nursing/nominee) may be added by the student to the supervisory team. All nominated supervisors must sign a Clinical Supervisor Registration form. Where there is more than one Clinical Supervisor, team meetings will occur.

Download the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) Course Manual for further information.

Additional documentary requirements

Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) applicants must upload the following additional registration forms and attach documentary evidence with application:

  1. Nurse Practitioner Student Registration form
    1. Current NMBA RN Registration
    2. Degree Testamur(s)
    3. Official Academic Transcript(s)
    4. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Nurse Practitioner Clinical Supervisor Registration form
  3. Nurse Practitioner Student Placement Agreement

Residential School

Subject NS5902 includes attendance at a compulsory 5-day residential school at the Townsville campus (17-21 October 2016). On-campus accommodation may be available at one of the residential colleges, with full board or self-catering options.


A viva voce clinical examination using short and long case models will be used as a final assessment in NS5906.  Students may be required to attend a face-to-face examination on the Townsville campus in the final semester of the program. On-campus accommodation may be available at one of the residential colleges, with full board or self-catering options.


Once-yearly intakes are offered (commencing February). Mid-year entry is not offered.

Course Structure

Due to the pre-requisite requirements for NP clinical practice subjects, it is only possible to enrol students into a part-time schedule (minimum 24 months).


Study Period 1

Study Period 2

Year 1






Elective 1

Year 2






Elective 2

Advanced Standing

Applicants may be eligible for advanced standing in recognition of formal studies (max. 12 credit points) and/or recognised prior learning [RPL] (max. 6 credit points). All of the core NP subjects must be completed, and are only eligible for credit if applicants have completed an equivalent postgraduate subject at another University within the past five years.

Restrictions: Studies undertaken to fulfil the entry requirements to 番茄社区 awards may not be used for advanced standing.

Further information

Contact 番茄社区 Nursing, Midwifery for further information.

Email: chs@jcu.edu.au | Phone: (07) 4781 4973