
Master of Economics

Information valid for students commencing in 2017.

Master of Economics

Course code


Course type

Masters Degree (AQF Level 9)


Tropical Environments and Societies

Award Requirements

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Completion of an AQF level 7 Bachelor Degree that should comprise neither an economics major nor a Bachelor of Economics, from this or another university; and

applicants must be able to demonstrate an understanding of foundation level economics - either through completion of an AQF level 7 bachelor degree subject in economics or through practical experience recognised by the Dean, College of Business, Law and Governance; or

other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the Dean, College of Business, Law and Governance as equivalent to the above.

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the English language proficiency requirements of Band 2 Schedule II of the 番茄社区 Admissions Policy or have successfully completed an AQF 8 qualification from 番茄社区 within the previous two (2) years.

Additional selection requirements

Applicants must be able to demonstrate an understanding of foundation level statistics – either through completion of an AQF level 7 bachelor degree subject in statistics, or through practical experience recognised by the Dean, College of Business, Law and Governance.

Applicants without foundation level statistics will be required to complete CO5124 Data Analysis and Decision Modelling instead of EC5216 Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation in Economics in Year 1, and EC5216 Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation in Economics instead of EC5213 Financial Econometrics (odd years) or EC4703 Advanced Econometrics (even years) in Year 2.

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

48 credit points as per course structure

Additional course rules

Students can complete the Master of Economics by one of two options.

Option 1

All coursework with a major

Option 2

Coursework and minor thesis

Students wishing to select Option 2 must complete the core subjects below and achieve a course GPA of at least 5.5. Admission to Option 2 is subject to the approval of the College Dean on the recommendation of the Head of Academic Group following successful completion of the core subjects.

NB: Students pursuing Option 2 cannot complete a major.

NB: Students interested in seeking admission to Option 2 should complete the core subjects before commencing any of the subjects in the major. Subjects in the major should be completed in Year 2.

Course learning outcomes

番茄社区 graduates are committed to lifelong learning, intellectual development, and to the display of exemplary personal, professional and ethical standards. They have a sense of their place in the tropics and are charged with professional, community, and environmental responsibility. 番茄社区 graduates appreciate the need to embrace and be acquainted with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia. They are committed to reconciliation, diversity and sustainability. They exhibit a willingness to lead and to contribute to the intellectual, environmental, cultural, economic and social challenges of regional, national, and international communities of the tropics.

On successful completion of the Master of Economics, 番茄社区 graduates will be able to:

  • Critically analyse economic theory from both historical and recent perspectives

  • Evaluate contexts within which different economic methodologies should be applied

  • Evaluate sustainable economic, social and environmental practices and value systems from different perspectives within a discipline and between disciplines

  • Critically analyse contemporary economic policy issues using appropriate models and make reasoned recommendations based on an intra- and interdisciplinary synthesis of theory and evidence

  • Apply creative thinking effectively to economic analysis and model building

  • Present complex economic analyses and information appropriately to differing audiences using effective oral presentation skills

  • Present complex economic analyses and information appropriately to differing audiences using clear and fluent written communication

  • Work effectively towards completing an independent, substantial research-based project, demonstrating personal autonomy in conducting research

  • Exercise independent ethical judgment and initiative in solving different economic policy problems

  • Explain characteristics specific to the tropics which are relevant to economic decision making.

Course Structure


EC5202:03 Cost Benefit Analysis

EC5204:03 Managerial Economics

EC5205:03 Economic Growth and Sustainable Development

EC5206:03 Macroeconomic Policy

EC5207:03 Contemporary Economic Policy and Social Welfare

EC5216:03 Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation in Economics [or some students may be required to undertake CO5124:03 Data Analysis and Decision Modelling instead in Year 1 as a condition of entry]

EC5217:03 Behavioural Economics for Sustainable Policy

EC5218:03 Economics and Sustainable Resource Management


Choose one of the following options:

Option 1 - All coursework (24304-CW-24U) or Option 2 – Coursework and Minor Thesis (24304-TH-24U)

Option 1


BU4062:03 Current Issues in Business Research

EC5213:03 Financial Econometrics (odd years) or EC4703:03 Advanced Econometrics (even years) [or some students may be required to undertake EC5216:03 Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation in Economics instead in Year 2 as a condition of entry]

EC5214:03 Case Studies in Applied Economics and Finance

EC5219:03 Personnel Economics


Select a Major from Table A or Select 12 credit points of specified subjects from List 1


Type of major



Credit points in major

12 credit points




Environmental Management



International Political Economy



List 1 (No specified major)

CO5124:03 Data Analysis and Decision Modelling

LB5202:03 Marketing Management

LB5203:03 Sustainable Enterprise

LB5220:03 Entrepreneurship in International Emerging Economies

LB5221:03 Indigenous and Ethnic Entrepreneurship

LB5234:03 Leading and Managing Organisational Change

LB5500:03 Negotiation

LB5514:03 Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution

Option 2


BU4062:03 Current Issues in Business Research

BU4070:03 Honours Thesis Part 1 of 2

BU4071:12 Honours Thesis Part 2 of 2

EC5213:03 Financial Econometrics (odd years) or EC4703:03 Advanced Econometrics (even years)

EC5214:03 Case Studies in Applied Economics and Finance







Expected time to complete

2 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

8 years

Maximum leave of absence

1 year


Course progression requisites

Students admitted without foundation level statistics will be required to complete CO5124 Data Analysis and Decision Modelling instead of EC5216 Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation in Economics in Year 1, and EC5216 Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation in Economics instead of EC5213 Financial Econometrics (odd years) or EC4703 Advanced Econometrics (even years) in Year 2.

Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Special assessment requirements


Professional accreditation requirements


Maximum allowed Pass Conceded (PC) grade


Supplementary exam for final subject

A student who has failed a single subject towards the award in their final teaching period and who gained 40% or more of the marks for that subject may be granted a supplementary examination in that subject. However if that subject is required for accreditation, then the criteria specified by that accreditation will apply.

Advanced Standing


Students may apply for advanced standing for previous tertiary study in accordance with the Advanced Standing and Articulation policy and associated procedures.

Maximum allowed

24 credit points, unless part of approved articulation process


Advanced standing will be granted only for studies completed in the 4 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Advanced standing gained for any subject shall be cancelled 12 years after the date of the examination upon which the advanced standing is based if, by then, the student has not completed the course of study prescribed for the degree.

Other restrictions

Advanced standing will not be granted for work experience or undergraduate studies.

Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


Inclusion of majors on testamur

Any major studied may appear on the testamur

Exit with lesser award

Students who exit the course prior to completion, and have completed 24 credit points of study including the appropriate subjects, may be eligible to receive the award of Graduate Diploma of Economics.

Course articulation

Not applicable