
BSustain – Social Science Major

Information valid for students commencing in 2016.

BSustain – Social Science Major

Major code


Available in

Bachelor of Sustainability

Credit points

24 credit points

Major Structure


BA1002:03 Our Space: Networks, Narrative and the Making of Place

SS1010:03 Australian People: An Introduction to the Social Sciences


Level 2

Select 6 credit points of specified subjects from List 1

List 1

BX2077:03 Project Management

HI2001:03 The History of Global Connections

HI2005:03 Environmental History

IA2013:03 Ecology and Australian Indigenous Cultures

PL2002:03 Policy Analysis and Management

SY2005:03 Qualitative Research

SY2012:03 Social Survey Design and Analysis

Level 3

Select 6 credit points of specified subjects from List 2

List 2

AN3006:03 Anthropology & Development: Critical Perspectives on Globalisation & Inequality

ED4944:03 Environmental and Climate Change Education for the Tropics

IA3003:03 Indigenous Family Wellbeing and Community Development

PL3002:03 Policy Analysis and Management


Select 6 credit points EV3010:03 or EV3018:03 or 6 credit points of any level 3 AN, IA or PL subjects.