
Primary Education Major

Information valid for students commencing in 2013.

Major Code


Available in

Bachelor of Education – Bachelor of Languages

Credit point value


Other details

Italian is available only at Cairns.

French, Japanese and German are available only at Townsville.

As candidates enter the course with varying degrees of proficiency in their chosen language, individual subject selection is determined in consultation with the Faculty.


Core Subjects

Level 1

ED1491:03 Foundations of Mathematics in Education

Level 2

ED2190:03 Health and Physical Education for Primary School

ED2193:03 Mathematics Education for Primary School

ED2194:03 English Education for Primary School

Level 3

ED3227:03 LOTE Curriculum SAT10

ED3190:03 Social and Environmental Education for Primary School

ED3192:03 Science Education for Primary School

ED3193:03 Teaching for Learning 2 (Primary)

ED3194:03 Arts Education for Primary School

Level 4

ED4190:03 Teaching for Learning 3 (Primary)

ED4487:03 Specialist Professional Experience

ED4496:03 Advanced English Education

ED4497:03 Advanced Mathematics Education


24 Points of appropriately approved Language subjects with a minimum of 12 credit points at Level .