
University Requirements for Postgraduate Courses

Information valid for students commencing in 2012.

Doctor of Philosophy

1. General

In these Requirements —

1.1 “Research Education Sub-Committee” (RESC) means a group appointed to monitor the supervision of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and to report to the Research Committee.

1.2 “Register of Supervisors” means a list of academic and research staff of the University and other persons who are qualified to be appointed as supervisors of candidates undertaking a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

1.2.1 The RESC on the recommendation of the Faculty shall approve academic and research staff of the University and other persons for inclusion on the Register according to criteria approved by the Research Committee and listed in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students.

1.2.2 Membership of the Register shall be reviewed annually by the RESC on the basis of each member’s record of supervision and according to the agreed criteria.

1.3 “Supervisory Committee” means a group convened to support the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School in their supervision of a candidate as outlined in Requirement 6.

1.4 “Principal Supervisor” means a person who meets the criteria for full supervision status as recognised by the Register of Supervisors and is a member (or adjunct member) of the academic and research staff of the University in a school in which the candidate is enrolled.

1.5 “Associate Supervisor” or “Co-supervisor” means a person who meets the criteria for membership of the Register of Supervisors appointed by the RESC on account of a special knowledge of the candidate’s approved program, or in order to ensure effective supervision of the candidate during any periods spent by the candidate, with the RESC’s approval, elsewhere than at the University. Associate Supervisors or Co-supervisors need not be members of the academic staff of the University.

1.6 “Research” means the process leading to the production of original scholarly or creative work to be presented for the purpose of obtaining the degree.

1.7 “Thesis” means a substantive description of the research undertaken for the purpose of obtaining the degree, together with any associated material that is also subject to examination.

1.8 “Adjudicator” means an additional examiner appointed to adjudicate between the examiners’ reports where consensus has not occurred between the original examiners. The adjudicator is normally an expert in the field external to the University.

1.9 “Graduate Research School” means the staff responsible for the administration of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

1.10 “Research Student Monitor” means a person as defined in Requirement 1.4, normally from a School, but definitely from a discipline other than that of the candidate, who is appointed to the Supervisory Committee by the RESC, to ensure that all procedures relating to the candidature are fulfilled, especially with respect to the confirmation of candidature and exit seminar processes.

2. Admission Requirements

A person may be admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy if:

2.1 the person has qualified, at this or another University, for the award of a bachelor degree in an appropriate discipline with First Class or Second Class (Division A) Honours, provided that:

2.1.1 the other University is recognised as providing a bachelor honours degree of a standard at least equivalent to an Australian bachelor honours degree; and

2.1.2 in the opinion of the Head of the appropriate School, the research component of the degree is at least 25% of the final year’s assessment;

2.2 the person has qualified, at this or another University, for the award of a Masters degree, provided that:

2.2.1 the other university is recognised as providing a Masters degree of a standard at least equivalent to an Australian Masters degree; and

2.2.2 in the opinion of the Head of the appropriate School, the applicant’s studies for such a degree included a research component of at least 50%. Applicants who do not meet this requirement should be enrolled under Requirement 2.5 and be reviewed at the end of the equivalent of twelve months of full-time candidature, subject to completion of a confirmation seminar; or be enrolled under Requirement 2.4;

2.3 the person holds, from an institution of tertiary education, qualifications which are deemed by the RESC to be equivalent to those prescribed in Requirement 2.1 or Requirement 2.2; or

2.4 the person has been enrolled for not less than six months as a full-time candidate or 12 months as a part-time candidate for:

2.4.1 a Masters degree by research and the RESC, under Requirement 7, is satisfied that the candidate should be provisionally confirmed; or

2.4.2 a Masters degree which in the opinion of the Head of the appropriate School has included a substantial component of research; and the Head of the appropriate School certifies that the applicant’s work for the research component of the Masters degree is of a standard sufficient to justify candidature for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and the RESC, under Requirement 7, is satisfied that the candidate should be provisionally confirmed;

2.5 a person with a Masters degree, who does not qualify for admission under Requirement 2.2.2, may be enrolled provisionally for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, on the recommendation of the Head of School, based on relevant research experience, provided that such enrolment does not exceed the equivalent of twelve months of full-time candidature; whereupon, with evidence of satisfactory progress, the candidate may be admitted under Requirement 2.4.

3. Application for Candidature

A person wishing to be admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:

3.1 shall initially consult with the Head of the School in which the person intends to study and shall formulate and cost the research component of the program. It is acknowledged that such costing can only be approximate at this stage. However, major costs which are central to the success of the proposed research must be identified e.g. new equipment, significant travel expenses, a proposed generalised program of advanced study and research to be pursued;

3.2 shall, if the proposed research involves working with children under 18 years of age, be eligible to hold a “Positive Notice for Child Related Employment” (Blue Card) or equivalent as required by government legislation, which must be included in any ethics application submitted to the Human Ethics Sub-Committee. Ethics approval will not be granted until a copy of the “Positive Notice for Child Related Employment” (Blue Card) or equivalent required documentation, is received; and

3.3 shall submit the prescribed application form together with the proposed study topic and generalised and costed program of advanced study and research to the Graduate Research School.

4. Credit

4.1 A person admitted to candidature under Requirement 2.4 and who, in the opinion of the Head of the appropriate School, has performed work for the Masters degree relevant to the proposed Doctoral program, may be given advanced standing for such work. In exceptional cases advanced standing may be given to a candidate for relevant research work undertaken at another university. The amount of advanced standing to be awarded shall be determined by the RESC on the recommendation of the Head of the School.

4.2 The University will not normally accept a candidate who has been enrolled at another institution for more than two years (full-time equivalent) or release a candidate who has been enrolled for more than two years (full-time equivalent).

5. Enrolment

5.1 On approval by the RESC of a student’s application for candidature, the candidature shall be designated as (1) full-time or part-time, and (2) on-campus or off-campus.

5.2 An international candidate shall be required to complete the International Bridging Program in the first six months of enrolment.

5.3 All candidates shall be required to attend a workshop on ethical research practice as part of their generic skills program and as a condition of their confirmation of candidature.

5.4 A candidate shall not enrol concurrently for any other degree, diploma or certificate at this or any other institution without the written permission of the RESC. Concurrent enrolments will normally only be considered where the total enrolment does not exceed the equivalent of a full-time load which may include up to 16 credit points of coursework.

6. Supervision

6.1 The RESC shall appoint for each candidate a Supervisory Committee which shall be a group convened to support the Principal Supervisor, as Chair of the Committee, and the Head of the School in their supervision of a candidate.

6.2 The Head of School shall nominate, at the time of enrolment, a replacement Supervisor, who is eligible to assume the role of Chair, if the Principal Supervisor leaves the University.

Members of the Supervisory Committee shall:

6.2.1 be members of the University listed on the Register of Supervisors, or other persons with expertise appropriate to, but not necessarily or specifically in, the candidate’s research area;

6.2.2 not be near relatives or partners of the candidate. If such circumstances arise during the candidature, this shall result in consequential changes to the membership of the Supervisory Committee.

6.3 The Supervisory Committee shall include:

6.3.1 a Chair (i.e. Principal Supervisor);

6.3.2 the Head of the School (or nominee);

6.3.3 the Head of Discipline (if appropriate);

6.3.4 the Research Student Monitor nominated by the Head of School and ratified by the RESC; and

6.3.5 other Associate or Co-supervisors as nominated by the Head of the School and ratified by the RESC. The Associate or Co-supervisors will include the replacement Principal Supervisor appointed under 6.2.

6.4 The full Supervisory Committee shall participate in the confirmation of candidature and exit seminar processes. The day-to-day management of the candidature shall be performed by the Principal Supervisor (and any Associate or Co-supervisors) under the direction of the relevant Head of School.

6.5 The Principal Supervisor shall, in respect of the candidate under supervision:

6.5.1 fulfil the functions of a supervisor as described by the University in its guidelines for Doctoral studies;

6.5.2 ensure that the candidate complies with all regulations relating to the candidature; and

6.5.3 report as required to the RESC through the Supervisory Committee on the candidate’s work.

6.6 The RESC may at any time, on the recommendation of the Head of the School, approve a change in the membership of the Supervisory Committee.

7. Confirmation of Candidature

7.1 The candidate shall apply to have their candidature confirmed:

7.1.1 within the first six months of enrolment for a full-time candidate; or

7.1.2 within the first 12 months of enrolment for a part-time candidate; and

7.2 The candidature shall orally present a seminar on the PhD work. The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

7.3 The candidate shall present seven days before the seminar, to the Chair of the RESC through the Principal Supervisor and Head of the School, a 2000 word project proposal including the aims, methodology, budget, timeline, progress to date and any other academic and/or artistic issues arising from the program of work, together with a second piece of substantive written work, usually a literature review.

7.4 The seminar presentation and the proposal shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the RESC.

7.5 Persons approved for absence from the University under Requirement 10.1.2 or Requirement 10.1.3 may apply to the RESC through the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School for approval to complete the presentation by telecommunications.

7.6 Persons seeking candidature under Requirement 2.4 may be provisionally accepted into the PhD program with the agreement of the Principal Supervisor, the Head of School and the RESC but must, at the time of application, complete the confirmation of candidature process as outlined above, irrespective of whether they completed confirmation of candidature at Masters level. PhD candidature may be confirmed, with evidence of satisfactory progress, after six months full-time or 12 months part-time provisional candidature.

7.7 In considering the reports on the seminar presentation the RESC may interview the candidate, and if appropriate, any member(s) of the Supervisory Committee, and any other relevant person.

7.8 The RESC may make suggestions to the candidate as to how the research might be improved and may seek independent peer review. The Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School shall also be informed of such suggestions. The advice provided need not necessarily be accepted by the candidate.

7.9 The RESC shall then approve one of the following:

7.9.1 confirmation of candidature;

7.9.2 confirmation of candidature together with additional specified work requirements;

7.9.3 reconsideration of candidature within six months of the initial presentation subject to work undertaken to the satisfaction of the RESC;

7.9.4 candidature for Doctoral studies be replaced by candidature for Masters studies with the provision that the applicant may re-present the seminar within six months of the initial presentation; or

7.9.5 that the candidate be asked to show cause why his or her candidature not be terminated.

7.10 The decision of the RESC on a recommendation from Requirement 7.9 shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal according to Requirement 16.

8. Generic Skills Training

8.1 A candidate shall normally be expected to undertake a program of transferable (generic) skills training as detailed in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students.

8.2 A candidate must develop an individual program in collaboration with the Principal supervisor and any Co-supervisors or Associate Supervisors as soon as possible after the commencement of candidature to reflect the candidate’s research training needs and career aspirations.

8.3 A candidate’s progress shall be reviewed as part of the confirmation of candidature, annual reporting and exit seminar processes.

9. Duration of Candidature

9.1 A full-time candidate shall pursue an approved program of study for a period normally of not less than two nor more than four years from the date of enrolment, provided that:

9.1.1 a full-time candidate shall normally be expected to complete their program of study within three years; if there are circumstances relating to the project* (see footnote at end of Doctor of Philosophy degree requirements) which will delay completion, a candidate may request an extension of candidature, before the end of the third year; and

9.1.2 the RESC may in exceptional circumstances and, on the recommendation of the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, extend or suspend* (see footnote at end of Doctor of Philosophy degree requirements) the candidature, or approve early submission of the thesis• (see footnote at end of Doctor of Philosophy degree requirements), for such reasons as it may deem appropriate.

9.2 A part-time candidate shall pursue an approved program of study for a period normally of not less than four nor more than eight years from the date of enrolment, provided that:

9.2.1 a part-time candidate shall normally be expected to complete their program of study within six years; if there are circumstances relating to the project* (see footnote at end of Doctor of Philosophy degree requirements) which will delay completion, a candidate may request an extension of candidature, before the end of the sixth year; and

9.2.2 the RESC may in exceptional circumstances, and on the recommendation of the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, extend or suspend* (see footnote at end of Doctor of Philosophy degree requirements) candidature, or approve early submission of the thesis• (see footnote at end of Doctor of Philosophy degree requirements), for such reasons as it may deem appropriate.

9.3 The total of approved extensions and suspensions during the period of candidature shall normally not exceed 12 months for full-time candidates or 24 months for part-time candidates. In exceptional circumstances, normally relating to the project* (see footnote at end of Doctor of Philosophy degree requirements), a second extension of up to the equivalent of 12 months full-time may be applied for.

9.4 A candidate who has not completed the program within, in the case of a full-time student, five years from the date of commencement of candidature and, in the case of a part-time student, ten years from the date of commencement of candidature, must present a case of extenuating circumstances to be considered formally by the RESC, which shall approve one of the following:

9.4.1 candidature be approved to continue subject to submission of the thesis by a specified final date;

9.4.2 that the candidate be asked to show cause why his or her candidature not be terminated.

9.5 The decision of the RESC on the recommendation from Requirement 9.4 shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal according to Requirement 16.

9.6 The stipulated maximum periods of candidature shall normally only be extended beyond the above maximum periods when, after examination of the thesis and any other relevant work presented as part of the candidature, further work is determined to be required prior to re-submission or acceptance of such work, provided that:

9.6.1 minor amendments under Requirement 14.7.2 are made within six weeks of the date of dispatch of the advice to the candidate; and

9.6.2 major amendments under Requirement 14.7.3 are made within 12 months of the date of dispatch of the advice to the candidate.

* If there are personal circumstances which will delay completion, the candidate should consider suspending their candidature. Full-time candidates may also consider changing their candidature to part-time.

  • An oral examination may be required if candidature has been accelerated.

10. Attendance at the University

10.1 A candidate shall pursue the approved program of study, provided that:

10.1.1 a candidate shall normally be required to be in attendance at the University for a period or periods normally totalling not less than three weeks per year, such times to be arranged with the Principal Supervisor and approved by the Head of the School, and at such times as the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School may specify;

10.1.2 the RESC may, on the recommendation of the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, permit a candidate to undertake part of the program of study for a specified period of normally not more than 12 months (24 months for a part-time candidate) at another institution or organisation outside the higher education system;

10.1.3 when a candidate’s residence is distant from the University, the RESC may, on the recommendation of the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, approve a candidate’s exemption from attendance at the University; and

10.1.4 arrangements for candidature as provided for under Requirement 10.1.2 or Requirement 10.1.3 must include some form of regular face-to-face or telecommunications contact between the Principal Supervisor and the candidate, preferably as agreed in writing between the candidate and the Principal Supervisor.

10.2 Before granting approval for the undertaking of part of the program of study at another institution as specified by Requirement 10.1.2, or exemption from attendance as specified by Requirement 10.1.3, the RESC must be satisfied that arrangements as set out in these regulations regarding supervision, coursework, participation in scholarly activities, facilities and training in research methods have been made for the candidate and that study accommodation, equipment and access to library and computing facilities, meet the needs of the approved course of study.

10.3 Continued enrolment shall be contingent upon the Head of the School’s certification on the candidate’s progress report forms that supervisory arrangements have been maintained.

10.4 If Requirement 3.2 is applicable, continued enrolment shall be contingent upon the candidate remaining eligible to hold a “Positive Notice for Child Related Employment” (Blue Card) or equivalent as required by government legislation. If the candidate becomes ineligible, the candidate will be required to show cause why candidature should not be terminated.

10.5 Arrangements for candidature as provided for under Requirements 10.1.2 and 10.1.3 must receive the specific approval of the RESC.

11. Progress Reports

11.1 A progress report must be submitted by a candidate annually. The report shall be on the prescribed form which shall be forwarded to the candidate by the Graduate Research School.

11.2 The completed form shall bear the comments of the candidate, the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School (or nominee).

11.2.1 In the event of problems being identified in the report, the candidate’s progress shall be formally monitored by the Head of School for a prescribed period.

11.3 In the event of an unsatisfactory progress report, the RESC shall interview the candidate and/or the Principal Supervisor and recommend one of the following:

11.3.1 candidature be approved to continue;

11.3.2 reconsideration of candidature subject to work undertaken to the satisfaction of the Supervisory Committee and the RESC;

11.3.3 candidature for Doctoral studies be replaced by candidature for Masters studies; or

11.3.4 that the candidate be asked to show cause why his or her candidature not be terminated.

11.4 The recommendation shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal according to Requirement 16.

12. Final Year Pre-Completion Seminar Presentation

12.1 The candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis in a public forum six months before submission of the thesis.

12.2 The candidate shall submit a written piece of work (e.g. a publication, chapter of the thesis or other evidence of academic writing skills as specified by the Head of School) to the Supervisory Committee one week before the scheduled seminar.

12.3 The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

12.4 The seminar presentation and the piece of written work shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the RESC.

12.5 The RESC shall then approve one of the following:

12.5.1 that the research is of a standard and extent appropriate for submission as a thesis; or

12.5.2 that further research work is required, in which case it shall recommend an extension of candidature, but shall not normally recommend any extension beyond the end of the fifth year from the date of enrolment for a full-time candidate or beyond the end of the tenth year from the date of enrolment for a part-time candidate.

13. Thesis

13.1 At the conclusion of the period of candidature, the candidate shall submit to the Graduate Research School four temporarily bound copies of the thesis embodying the results of the advanced study and research.

13.2 The thesis shall be in a format as prescribed by the candidate’s school and as approved from time to time by the Research Committee as outlined in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students.

13.3 The thesis shall contain a clear and detailed indication of all sources from which the candidate has derived information and of the extent to which use has been made of the work and/or assistance of others.

13.4 The candidate may submit in support of the thesis any other relevant material, provided that no material accepted for another degree of this or another University may be so submitted except where the candidature has been governed by an approved cotutelle agreement.

13.5 The degree shall not be conferred by the Council of the University until the candidate has lodged a final unbound copy, and normally a PDF file, of the thesis for deposit in the Library.

14. Examination of Thesis

14.1 The Head of the appropriate School shall advise the Graduate Research School in writing of the anticipated date of submission of the candidate’s thesis three months before that date.

14.2 At the same time as advice is forwarded to the Graduate Research School under the terms of Requirement 14.1, the Head of the School and the Principal Supervisor shall, in consultation with the candidate, develop a list of at least four potential examiners. The Head of the School shall nominate for the approval of the RESC, a minimum of two external examiners and a maximum of three examiners from this list but the identity of the chosen examiners shall not be revealed to the candidate until the examiners’ reports are referred to him/her. No member of the Supervisory Committee may be an examiner.

14.2.1 Where a candidature has been conducted under an approved cotutelle agreement, at least two external examiners shall be appointed, one on the recommendation of each participating institution.

14.3 On submission of the thesis:

14.3.1 the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the appropriate School and the Chair of the Supervisory Committee shall each certify that they have checked the thesis and that it is in a format and of an editorial standard recognised by the school as appropriate; and

14.3.2 at all times the candidate has the right to submit the thesis for examination without the approvals specified by Requirement 14.3.1.

14.3.3 Where a candidate has agreed to an oral examination as an integral part of a normal examination process, the Head of School shall advise the Graduate Research School in writing of the names of the independent convenor and the chief examiner who have agreed to participate and the date of the oral examination, which should be scheduled for approximately seven weeks after the submission date.

14.4 The examiners shall be requested to examine the thesis and submit their reports within six weeks of the date of receipt of the thesis. Where examiners are unable to meet the original or a re-negotiated deadline, the Dean of Postgraduate Studies in consultation with the Head of School may appoint an alternative examiner.

14.5 From the time of submission of the thesis to the Graduate Research School for examination or re-examination all communication regarding the examination of the thesis shall be conducted through the Graduate Research School.

14.5.1 If one week before the scheduled oral in a normal examination process, the third examiner advises he/she is unable to submit a report in time, the Head of School may recommend that the examination proceed on the basis of the two reports already received, provided they are both from external examiners.

14.6 In the process of examination, the examiners may consult with one another but shall submit separate reports. If there is disagreement in the summary decision of the examiners, the Chair of the RESC may appoint an adjudicator.

14.7 After the reports of all examiners and any adjudicator have been considered, the RESC shall:

14.7.1 recommend to Council the degree be awarded; or

14.7.2 recommend to Council the degree be awarded, subject to the completion of minor corrections in accordance with the requirements of Requirement 9.6.1. The Head of the appropriate School must advise the RESC that the corrections have been made before the RESC recommends that the degree be awarded; or

14.7.3 approve the degree be not awarded but the candidate be permitted to revise and re-submit the thesis (once only) in accordance with Requirements 9.6.2, 14.3.1 and 14.3.2;

14.7.4 approve the degree be not awarded but that the candidate be awarded an appropriate Masters degree with or without additional work; or

14.7.5 approve the degree be not awarded.

14.8 The decision of the RESC on a recommendation from Requirement 14.7 shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal according to Requirement 16.

14.9 The following material shall be released to the candidate without request after examination:

14.9.1 each examiner’s report; and

14.9.2 the name of each examiner, except where the examiner has expressly requested that his or her identity not be disclosed.

15. Termination of Candidature

15.1 A candidate must be asked to show cause why his or her candidature not be terminated if the RESC determines that the candidate has not:

15.1.1 made satisfactory progress with the work after receiving sufficient notice of and guidance about unsatisfactory progress and how to remedy it; or

15.1.2 complied with a reasonable direction of the Supervisor or the Head of School; or

15.1.3 provided in sufficient detail a report required under the PhD requirements; or

15.1.4 complied with a condition of enrolment or candidature set by the RESC; or

15.1.5 lodged a form required under the rules of the University.

15.2 Under 15.1 above, the RESC may, with the candidate’s consent, approve a change of candidature to Masters by Research, if appropriate.

15.3 Under Requirement 6.2, if a replacement Principal Supervisor is required during candidature, the RESC must make reasonable attempts to ensure that the candidate is able to complete the award with the University.

If the University is unable to provide a suitable replacement in an appropriate timeframe, the candidate must be notified to that effect and given an opportunity to make representations as to why the candidature should not be terminated. The RESC must have regard to any representations made by the candidate, before deciding whether to terminate the candidature.

15.4 If Requirement 3.2 is applicable, continued enrolment shall be contingent upon the candidate remaining eligible to hold a “Positive Notice for child related employment” (Blue Card) or equivalent as required by government legislation. If the candidate becomes ineligible, the candidate will be required to show cause why his or her candidature not be terminated.

15.5 Before making any decision upon a recommendation of the kind referred to in Requirements 15.1 or 15.3, the RESC shall by written notice call upon the candidate to show cause in writing within the time specified in the notice why candidature should not be terminated.

15.6 The RESC shall before making its decision consider the recommendation and any material submitted to it by the candidate.

16. Appeal

16.1 A candidate affected by a decision of the RESC pursuant to Requirements 7.9, 9.4, 11.3 or 14.7 may appeal against the decision. Such appeal shall be instituted by a notice in writing setting out the grounds thereof and shall be submitted to the Graduate Research School within 28 days (of the notification to the candidate) of the decision.

16.2 The Appeal Panel which is independent of the RESC shall consist of the Chair, Academic Board (or nominee) (Chair) and four members appointed by the Chair. Two members of the Appeal Panel shall be postgraduate students, who have completed the confirmation of Doctor of Philosophy degree candidature process, chosen in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate Student Association.

16.3 The Appeal Panel shall meet within 28 days of the Graduate Research School receiving the notice in writing from the candidate as outlined in 16.1 above.

16.4 The Appeal Panel shall consider only:

16.4.1 the grounds of the request for the appeal;

16.4.2 any documents relevant to the decision against which the candidate has appealed;

16.4.3 such further material as the Appeal Panel may, in the exercise of its discretion, permit to be placed before it if it considers it necessary or desirable in the interests of justice to do so.

16.5 The candidate shall have the right to be heard in person or to make submissions in writing; and to be represented by a Student Association Case Worker, or another member of the University community not acting in a legal capacity, provided that any candidate to be so represented must notify the Graduate Research School at least 48 hours prior to the time set for the appeal.

16.6 The Appeal Panel shall have the power to allow or dismiss an appeal against the decision; or vary the decision of the RESC.

16.7 The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall notify the Graduate Research School forthwith of its decision and reasons and the Graduate Research School shall notify in writing the student within 14 days of the Appeal Panel’s decision. The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall also advise the Board of Research Education Sub Committee of the outcome and any recommendations made by the Appeal Panel.

16.8 The Appeal Panel’s decision shall be final.

16.9 A candidate who has successfully appealed against a decision of the RESC pursuant to Requirements 7.9, 9.4, 11.3 or 14.7 is not permitted a second appeal against a decision regarding the same matter.