
Mechanical Engineering Major

Information valid for students commencing in 2012.

Major Code




Available in

Bachelor of Engineering – Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours – Bachelor of Science

Credit point value

66 credit points

Other details

Must complete first year of course before choosing major


Core Subjects

Level 2

CS2001:03 Engineering Strength of Materials

EG2010:03 Materials Science and Engineering

MA2000:03 Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers

ME2512:03 Thermofluid Mechanics

ME2521:03 Dynamics of Machine Elements

ME2525:03 Machine Element Design

Level 3

CS3008:03 Fluid Mechanics

EE3600:03 Automatic Control 2

EG3000:03 Engineering Project Management

EG3001:03 Finite Element Analysis

EG3021:03 Applied Engineering Analysis

ME3511:03 Dynamics and Acoustics

ME3512:03 Heat and Mass Transfer

ME3515:03 Material Selection in Design

ME3525:03 Mechanical Design

Level 4

EG4000:03 Engineering Economics and Entrepreneurship

EG4011:03 Thesis Part 1 of 2

EG4012:03 Thesis Part 2 of 2

ME4513:03 Advanced Fluid Mechanics

ME4515:03 Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design

ME4522:03 Energy, Conversion and Refrigeration


Select 3 credit points of specified , and level 4 subjects

EE4600:03 Automatic Control 3

EG4013:03 Asset Management, Maintenance and Reliability

ME4521:03 Bulk Materials Handling