
Course and Subject Handbook 2012 Course Information Postgraduate Courses Master of Public Health - Master of Business Administration

Master of Public Health - Master of Business Administration

Information valid for students commencing in 2012.

Course Code





Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences

Award Requirements

Course Structure



Advanced Standing

Award Details

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Entry requirements for this course are consistent with the Pathways to Qualifications in the (AQF level 9) Guidelines for Masters degrees.

Completion of an appropriate undergraduate degree, from this or another University; or

Other qualifications recognised by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts as equivalent to the above.

Minimum English Language Proficiency Requirements

Students of non English speaking backgrounds must have an adequate English language capacity assessed under the Australian International English Language Testing System (IELTS).  The IELTS score required for admission to this course can be found in Schedule I of the 番茄社区 Admissions policy.

Additional selection requirements


Special admission requirements


Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

48 credit points

Additional course rules


Additional completion requirements


Learning outcomes

Characteristics of learning outcomes for this course are consistent with those outlined in the Masters Guideline in the (AQF level 9).

Course Structure

Core Subjects

TM5515:03 Epidemiology for Public Health

TM5526:03  Public Health Economics

TM5541:03  Managing Effective Health Programs

TM5554:03  Theory and Practice of Public Health


TM5513:03 Public Health Management


TM5563:03  Public Health Leadership and Crisis Management


LB5214:03  Current Business Issues

LB5215:03  Strategy and Leadership

LB5212:03  Financial Foundations for Managers

LB5201:03  Managing Internal Business


LB5217:03  Community Project


LB5218:03  Business Plan


LB5213:03  Business and industry-Professional Internship


Select 9 credit point of HS, IA and TM level 5 subjects

HS5101:03 Contemporary Issues in Primary Health Care Research

HS5102:03 Qualitative Research Methods for Health Professionals

IA5119:03  Empowerment and Change

TM5002:03 Infectious Diseases

TM5301:09  Dissertation 2

TM5502:03 Tropical Public Health

TM5503:03 Human Parasitology

TM5506:03 Social Science in Public Health

TM5508:03 Diving and Marine Medicine

TM5510:03 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

TM5512:03 Travel Medicine

TM5513:03 Public Health Management

TM5514:03 Environmental Health

TM5515:03 Epidemiology for Public Health

TM5518:03 Public Health Entomology

TM5524:03 Qualitative Research Methods for Tropical Communities

TM5525:03 Communicable Disease Control

TM5526:03 Public Health Economics

TM5528:03 Health Promotion

TM5534:03 Tropical Paediatrics

TM5536:03 Refugee Health

TM5540:03 Occupational Health

TM5541:03 Managing Effective Health Programs

TM5542:03 Clinical Travel Medicine

TM5549:06  Dissertation 1

TM5552:03 International Health Agencies and Development

TM5554:03 Theory and Practice of Public Health

TM5555:03 Infection Control in Health Care Settings

TM5557:03 Disaster Health Management

TM5558:03 Public Health and Bioterrorism

TM5559:03 Clinical Tropical Paediatrics

TM5560:03 Aeromedical Retrieval

TM5562:03 Reproductive Health in Developing Countries

TM5563:03 Public Health Leadership and Crisis Management

TM5564:03 Acute Care in the Resource Poor Environment

TM5565:03 Clinical Review of Aeromedical Retrieval Activity

TM5566:03 Clinical Care Skills in Aeromedical Retrievals

TM5567:03  Flight Crew Skills in Aeromedical Retrievals

TM5568:03  Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning

TM5569:03  Health Promotion Strategies and Methods

TM5570:03  Health Promotion Research and Evaluation

TM5571:03  Public Health Placement


Select 9 credit points of level 5 subjects from the specified list

LB5202:03  Marketing and Innovation

LB5205:03  Human Relations in the Workplace

LB5209:03  Managing Globally

CO5125:03  Economics for Managers

CP5603:03  Advanced Information Security

LB5203:03  Sustainable Enterprise

CO5119:03  Business Law

CO5124:03  Data Analysis and Decision Modelling

LB5210:03  Independent Studies







Expected time to complete

2 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

8 years

Maximum leave of absence

2 years


Course progression requisites


Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Special assessment requirements


Accreditation requirements


Maximum allowed Pass Conceded (PC) grade


Supplementary exam for final subject

Not applicable

Advanced Standing


Candidates may apply for advanced standing for previous tertiary study in accordance with the Advanced Standing for Previous Studies and Recognised Prior Learning policy associated procedures.

Maximum allowed

24 credit points


Advanced standing will be granted only for studies completed in the 4 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Advanced standing gained for any subject shall be cancelled 14 years after the date of the examination upon which the advanced standing is based if, by then, the candidate has not completed the course of study prescribed for the degree.

Other restrictions

A maximum of 12 credit points of advanced standing will be granted for either component of the degree. Advanced standing will not be granted for work experience or undergraduate studies.

Award Details

Inclusion of majors on testamur

Not applicable – this course does not have majors

Exit with lesser award

Not applicable

Course articulation

Not applicable