
Course and Subject Handbook 2012 Course Information Bridging and Enabling Courses Tertiary Access Course offered by the School of Indigenous Australian Studies

Tertiary Access Course offered by the School of Indigenous Australian Studies

Information valid for students commencing in 2012.

Humanities Tertiary Access Course (HUTAC/TAC)

The Humanities Tertiary Access Course (HUTAC/TAC) provides an alternative pathway into undergraduate studies for potential university students. The course is offered twice yearly in Study Periods one and two and aims to equip students with the skills and capabilities to enter mainstream tertiary study. The course is offered through the School of Indigenous Australian Studies.

Entry Requirements

The program is open to all students who meet the residency/citizenship requirements as per DEEWR Guidelines for Enabling Courses. The minimum age for entry is 18 years (including those turning 18 during their first year of enrolment). Candidates must successfully complete a Literacy and Numeracy test to gain admission to the course.

Completion Requirements

This course consists of four subjects with a normal completion time of six months full-time or one year part time. 番茄社区 offers direct entry into a degree course on successful completion of the course, this is dependent on the student’s academic achievement and the entry requirement rules of the specific degree.

Contacts for further information

Further information may be obtained from the School of Indigenous Studies

  • Townsville Campus (07) 4781 4676

  • Cairns Campus (07) 4042 1046

Core Subjects

BR1111:03 Introduction to Academic Skills

BR1114:03 Learning Through Technology

BR1224:03 Critical Literacy: Text Analysis

BR1244:03 Mathematics A1