
Course and Subject Handbook 2011 Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts

Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts

Information valid for students commencing in 2011.

General Information

The Faculty comprises the following Schools:

  • School of Business

which includes the disciplines of Business, Commerce, Economics and Tourism

  • School of Creative Arts

which includes Creative Arts, Creative Industries and New Media Arts

  • School of Law

Students enrolling in the Faculty are presented with a number of programs which develop career opportunities in many areas. These include options in: the creative industries, law, music, teaching, the diplomatic service, business, tourism and the hospitality industry.

By choosing carefully from subjects offered across the Faculty, many combinations are possible, including a range of joint degrees. Students in the Faculty are introduced to the use of advanced technology, and to flexible strategies of teaching and learning. The Faculty is proud of the preparation that it gives to people who wish to enter the professions – for instance, accounting, law, marketing, and management. Our commitment is to offer and teach courses of the highest quality and excitement; ones that are rewarding in themselves and in the future careers for which our students are prepared.

Admission to the Practice of Law

The requirements for admission to practice are subject to review and students must therefore consult the relevant authority in the State in which they intend to practise law. In Queensland, direct your inquiries to the Legal Practitioners Admissions Board, (07) 3842 5985.

In summary, persons may qualify for admission in Queensland by completing the University’s LLB degree and by completing a period of practical legal training as specified by either branch of the profession.

Undergraduate Award Requirements

General Awards

1.1 Bachelor Degrees



Bachelor of Business


Bachelor of Business with Honours


Bachelor of Commerce with Honours


Bachelor of Communication Design with Honours


Bachelor of Creative Arts


Bachelor of Creative Industries


Bachelor of Creative Industries with Honours


Bachelor of Economics with Honours


Bachelor of Hospitality Management with Honours


Bachelor of Information Technology


Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours


Bachelor of Laws


Bachelor of Laws with Honours


Bachelor of Music with Honours


Bachelor of New Media Arts


Bachelor of New Media Arts with Honours


Bachelor of Photography with Honours


Bachelor of Theatre with Honours


Bachelor of Tourism Management with Honours


Bachelor of Visual Arts with Honours


1.2 Joint Bachelor Degrees



Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Business


Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Laws


Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Laws with Honours


Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Laws with Honours


Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Information Technology


Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Laws


Bachelor of Business - Bachelor of Laws with Honours


Bachelor of Business with Honours - Bachelor of Laws with Honours


Bachelor of Commerce-Bachelor of Laws with Honours


Bachelor of Science-Bachelor of Laws


Bachelor of Science-Bachelor of Laws with Honours


Bachelor of Science with Honours-Bachelor of Laws with Honours


1.3 Diplomas



Diploma of Business


Diploma of Creative Arts


Diploma of Information Technology


1.4 Certificates



Certificate of Business


Certificate of Business Law


Certificate of Desktop Publishing


Certificate of Legal Studies


Certificate of Music Practice


Certificate of Native Title Studies


Certificate of Photography


Certificate of Theatre Skills


Certificate of Visual Arts Fundamentals


Bachelor Degrees in Law

1. Entitlement to Attend

A student of the University shall be entitled to attend any lecture with the permission of the lecturer.

2. Application of Requirements

2.1 In addition to the Faculty Award Requirements, candidates for Awards of the Faculty must comply with the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards listed in this handbook.

2.2 In exceptional circumstances and notwithstanding anything contained in the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards and the Degree or Diploma Award Requirements, the Faculty may in any case in which it may deem it appropriate to do so, dispense with or amend any conditions of or prescription of these Requirements.

3. Subject Availability

Subjects available to candidates are listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects as subjects with a prefix of LA.

4. Advanced Standing

4.1 Candidates for awards of the Faculty may apply to obtain advanced standing as detailed in the Advanced Standing for Previous Studies and Recognised Prior Learning Policy and associated procedures.

4.2 Candidates are advised that degree specific Award Requirements may specify advanced standing provisions unique to that degree.

4.3 Unless the Faculty otherwise determines, Advanced Standing gained for any subject shall be cancelled 11 (eleven) years after the date of the examination upon which the advanced standing is based if by then the candidate has not completed the course of study prescribed for the degree.

Degrees and Certificates in Business, Commerce, Economics, Management and Tourism

1. Application of Requirements

1.1 In addition to the Faculty Award Requirements, candidates for Awards must comply with the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards listed in this handbook.

1.2 In exceptional circumstances the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, with the approval of the relevant Head of School, may dispense with or amend any requirements or prescription of the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards, Faculty Award Requirements and Degree, Diploma or Certificate Award Requirements.

2. Enrolment in Awards

A person who holds an award listed above in General Award Requirement 1.1 and 1.2 may not be a candidate for that Award in the same discipline.

3. Advanced Standing

3.1 Candidates for awards of the Faculty may apply to obtain advanced standing as detailed in the Advanced Standing for Previous Studies and Recognised Prior Learning Policy and associated procedures.

3.2 Candidates are advised that degree specific Award Requirements may specify advanced standing provisions unique to that degree.

3.3 Candidates are advised that such advanced standing obtained may be subject to cancellation as specified within degree specific Award Requirements.

4. Subject Availability

Subjects available to candidates are listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects as subjects with a prefix of BU, BX, CO, EC, MG or TO.

5. Exceptional Circumstances

In exceptional circumstances the Pro-Vice-Chancellor with the approval of the relevant Head of the School may permit a candidate to graduate with fewer than the stipulated credit points of study for an Award offered in the Faculty.

Honours Degrees in Business and Commerce

(Discipline areas: Accounting, Finance, Economics, Tourism, Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management)

1. General Requirements

A candidate for a degree with Honours shall, in the case of Commerce or Business:

1.1 complete the requirements of the Pass degree, or an equivalent degree from another university;

1.2 include in the degree course the appropriate Pass degree subjects, as set out in the program of study for each specific pass degree and described in the Master Schedule of Subjects as subjects with a prefix of BU, BX, CO, EC, MG or TO, or equivalent subjects from another university;

1.3 include in the degree course Honours subjects specified in the specific Honours programs.

2. Enrolment

2.1 An application by a student to enrol for an Honours degree must be approved by the Head of School. Normally, a student will not be permitted to enrol for an Honours degree unless a minimum average grade of Credit has been obtained in the Pass degree subjects relevant to the field in which Honours is to be taken.

2.2 In the case of Honours programs in Commerce or Business a graduate who has been awarded an appropriate Pass degree within the Faculty may apply to enrol for an Honours degree provided the pass degree was awarded not more than two academic years prior to the year in which enrolment in an Honours degree is sought. Such a candidate shall comply with the requirements of the Pass degree and shall complete such additional work (including Pass degree subjects) as the Head of the appropriate program may prescribe.

3. Thesis

The subject of any thesis shall be approved by the relevant Head of program and the thesis shall usually be presented before 30 November in the candidate‘s final year of study, unless otherwise determined by the Head of School.

4. The Honours Program on Commerce

4.1 A candidate for the degree shall:

4.1.1 complete the specified program of study for the Pass degree to obtain 72 credit points; and

4.1.2 obtain 24 credit points of subjects specified in the program of study for the Honours degree.

4.2 The degree with Honours may be taken in the fields of Accounting, Finance or Economics.

5. The Honours Programs in Business specialising in Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, Or Tourism

5.1 A candidate for the degree shall:

5.1.1 complete the specified program of study for the Pass degree to obtain 72 credit points; and

5.1.2 obtain 24 credit points of subjects specified in the program of study for the Honours degree.

6. Programs of Study

Programs of study for these degrees are available from the School of Business.

Degrees and Certificates in the Creative Arts

1. Application of Requirements

1.1 In addition to the Faculty Award Requirements candidates must comply with the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards listed in this Course and Subject Handbook and specific degree or certificate Award Requirements.

1.2 In exceptional circumstances the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, where appropriate in consultation with the relevant Head of School, may dispense with or amend any requirements of or prescription by the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards, Faculty Award Requirements and specific degree, diploma or certificate Award Requirements. Any major dispensation of the requirements should be reported to the Faculty.

1.3 The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, where appropriate in consultation with the appropriate Head of School, may permit a candidate to graduate with fewer than the stipulated credit points of study for an Award offered in the Faculty.

2. Enrolment in Awards

A person who holds an award listed above in General Requirements 1.1 and 1.2 may not be a candidate for that award in the same discipline.

3. Coherence of Degree Structure

The Faculty must be satisfied that the completed Award constitutes a coherent whole.

4. Saving Clause

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Requirements, the Faculty may in any case in which it may deem it appropriate to do so, dispense with or suspend any condition of or prescription by these Requirements. Any such action by the Faculty shall be recorded for the purposes of an annual review.