
Course and Subject Handbook 2011 Faculty of Arts Education and Social Sciences

Faculty of Arts Education and Social Sciences

Information valid for students commencing in 2011.

General Information

The Faculty comprises the following schools:

  • School of Arts and Social Sciences

which includes the disciplines of:

Anthropology, Archaeology, Criminology and Sociology

Communication, English, History, Journalism, Modern Languages (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese), Political Science and Public Policy


Social Work and Community Welfare and Women’s Studies

  • School of Education

  • School of Indigenous Australian Studies

The Arts and Social Sciences involve the study of how individuals, societies, cultures and political systems operate, in the present and the past. Its disciplines consider the essence of what it means to be human and provide vital knowledge for increasing our understanding of the peoples of the world and how they interact.

A wide choice of careers is possible by combining study in various disciplines — Community Welfare, Sociology and Anthropology to prepare for a career in community aid abroad, Archaeology and History to work in cultural heritage and environmental management, History and English are classic combinations for teachers, Political Science and Journalism are a popular combination, as are Sociology and Education, Political Science and Psychology for a career in public life. Other combinations open career opportunities in the public and private sectors such as health and welfare services, public policy, management, native title, conservation, museums and national parks, libraries, foreign affairs, counselling and many more.

The key to knowledge and life-long learning is acquiring the skills to collect, analyse, interpret and communicate information. An education in the Arts and Social Sciences provides students with the expertise to conduct this kind of independent examination of important world issues. The goal of the Faculty is to train well educated and highly skilled graduates who have a strong sense of professional ethics and social justice.

Study in the Arts and Social Sciences can be combined readily with the study of other disciplines. Consider some of these possible combinations: a combination of Social Policy and Public Health provides excellent training for work in health planning. Consider the career options of combining Maritime Archaeology and Environmental Studies or Psychology and Environmental Science. Students are encouraged to discuss proposed program of studies with the Faculty’s Academic Advisers who will assist with the choice of subjects.

Undergraduate Award Requirements

General Awards

1.1 Bachelor Degrees



Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Arts with Honours


Bachelor of Education


Bachelor of Education (Professional Development)


Bachelor of Education with Honours


Bachelor of Educational Services


Bachelor of Languages


Bachelor of Languages with Honours


Bachelor of Multimedia Journalism


Bachelor of Psychology


Bachelor of Psychology with Honours


Bachelor of Social Science


Bachelor of Social Science with Honours


Bachelor of Social Work


Bachelor of Social Work with Honours


1.2 Joint Bachelor Degrees



Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Science


Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Science with Honours


Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Science with Honours


Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Social Work


Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Social Work with Honours


Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Social Work with Honours


Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Psychology


Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Psychology with Honours


Bachelor of Business with Honours-Bachelor of Psychology with Honours


Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Languages


Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Science


Bachelor of Psychology with Honours-Bachelor of Science


Bachelor of Psychology with Honours-Bachelor of Social Science


Bachelor of Social Work-Bachelor of Laws


Bachelor of Social Work - Bachelor of Laws with Honours


Bachelor of Social Work with Honours - Bachelor of Laws


Bachelor of Social Work with Honours - Bachelor of Laws Honours


1.3 Diplomas



Advanced Diploma of Arts


Diploma of Arts


Degrees, Certificates and Diplomas in Arts, Education, Social Sciences and Indigenous Australian Studies

1. Entitlement to Attend

A student of the University shall be entitled to attend any lecture with the permission of the lecturer.

2. Application of Requirements

2.1 In addition to the Faculty Award Requirements candidates must comply with the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards listed in this Course and Subject Handbook and specific degree, diploma or certificate Award Requirements.

2.2 In exceptional circumstances the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, where appropriate in consultation with the relevant Head of School, may dispense with or amend any requirements of or prescription by the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards, Faculty Award Requirements and specific degree, diploma or certificate Award Requirements. Any major dispensation of the requirements should be reported to the Faculty.

2.3 The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, where appropriate in consultation with the appropriate Head of School, may permit a candidate to graduate with fewer than the stipulated credit points of study for an Award offered in the Faculty.

3. Enrolment in Awards

A person who holds an award listed above in General Award Requirements 1.1 and 1.2 may not be a candidate for that award in the same discipline.

4. Advanced Standing

4.1 Candidates for awards of the Faculty may apply to obtain advanced standing as detailed in the Advanced Standing for Previous Studies and Recognised Prior Learning Policy and associated procedures.

4.2 Candidates are advised that degree specific Award Requirements may specify advanced standing provisions unique to that degree.

4.3 Candidates are advised that such advanced standing obtained may be subject to cancellation as specified within degree specific Award Requirements.

5. The Grade of Pass Conceded

5.1 The grade of Pass Conceded may be recommended by the School directly on the basis of the particular examination. This grade may also be awarded by the Faculty following consideration of the candidate’s overall result for the year.

5.2 A candidate who is granted the grade of Pass Conceded in a subject shall be deemed to have passed the subject and shall be credited with the appropriate credit points, but may not enrol for a more advanced subject in any discipline requiring the first as a prerequisite except with the approval of the appropriate Head of School.

5.3 The number of credit points that may be credited at Pass Conceded level shall not exceed a total as determined from time to time by the Faculty.

5.4 A candidate awarded the grade of Pass Conceded may apply to the Head of the School concerned for permission to attempt to convert that grade to a Pass grade. Such re-examination will not be counted towards aggregate credit points work load for an academic year.

5.5 All applications under Requirement 5.4 must be approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.

6. Non-degree Students

6.1 A person who is not proceeding to a degree may enrol for any subject with the approval of the Head of School and on completing the subject shall be entitled to receive an official statement to that effect on application to the Registrar.

6.2 A person who has not qualified for Ordinary or Alternative Entry Admission may enrol for any subject with the approval of the Head of School in the terms of Requirement 6.1, but may enrol for subjects in more than one School only with the approval of the faculty. Subjects completed by such a student may not be credited towards a degree except by permission of the Faculty.

7. Saving Clause

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Requirements, the Faculty may in any case in which it may deem it appropriate to do so, dispense with or suspend any condition of or prescription by these Requirements. Any such action by the Faculty shall be recorded for the purposes of an annual review.

8. Exceptional Circumstances

In exceptional circumstances and with Faculty permission a candidate may be permitted to graduate with less than the minimum stipulated credit points of study for an award offered by the Faculty.