
Primary RATEP Major



Major Code


Available in

Bachelor of Education

Credit point value

66 credit points

Other details


Core Subjects

Year 1

ED1411:03 Foundations of Sustainability in Education

ED1491:03 Foundations of Mathematics in Education

IA1007:03 Linking Indigenousness 1

Year 2

ED2190:03 Health and Physical Education for Primary School

ED2193:03 Mathematics Education for Primary School

ED2194:03 English Education for Primary School

Year 3

ED3190:03 Social and Environmental Education for Primary School

ED3192:03 Science Education for Primary School

ED3193:03 Teaching for Learning 2 (Primary)

ED3194:03 Arts Education for Primary School

ED3441:03 Technologies Across the Curriculum

ED3442:03 Inclusive Education for Special Needs

ED3443:03 Teaching ESL to Indigenous Students

Year 4

ED4190:03 Teaching for Learning 3 (Primary)

ED4460:03 Service Learning for Sustainable Futures

ED4461:03 Indigenous Futures

ED4496:03 Advanced English Education

ED4497:03 Advanced Mathematics Education


Select 9 credit points of specified level 1 and 2 subjects

CU1010:03 Effective Writing

HM1061:03 Foundations of Human Movement Studies

MU1030:03 Music-making for Children

SS1010:03 Australian People: Indigenous and Anthropological Perspectives

SS1111:03 Introduction to Counselling

SY1001:03 Australian Society: An Introduction to Sociology

VA1118:03 Introduction to Visual Art

EL2047:03 Children's Literature

NM2203:03 Digital Storytelling


Select 3 credit points of any ED level 4 subjects

Document Modification History

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