
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science



Course Code





Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences

Award Requirements

Admission Requirements

QTAC Pre-requisites

English, Maths B, Chemistry

Additional selection requirements


Special admission requirements

Hepatitis B immunization

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

96 credit points as per course structure

Additional course rules


Additional completion requirements


Course Structure

Core Subjects

Level 1

BM1000:03  Introductory Biochemistry and Microbiology

CH1001:03  Chemistry: A Central Science

HS1000:03  Epidemiology

ML1101:03  Pathology Sample Collection and Transport

AT1210:03  Introductory Human Anatomy and Histology

CH1002:03  Chemistry: Principles and Applications

HS1401:03  Health and Health Care in Australia

PP1201:03  Introduction to Physiology and Pharmacology

Level 2

AT2110:03  Comparative Mammalian Anatomy and Histology

BC2013:03  Principles of Biochemistry

MI2011:03  Microbial Diversity

PP2101:03  Medical Physiology 1

BC2023:03  Molecular Genetics

BC2024:03  Cell Regulation

MI2021:03  Introductory Infectious Diseases and Immunobiology

PP2201:03  Medical Physiology 2

Level 3

BC3101:03  Genes, Genomes and Development

MI3021:03  Clinical Microbiology

MI3061:03  Advanced Immunobiology

PP3151:03  General Pathobiology

MI3051:03  Mechanisms of Infectious Diseases

ML3102:03  Laboratory Management and Quality Assurance

PP3251:03  Systemic Pathophysiology and Therapeutics

Level 4

ML4305:03   Immunohaematology

ML4307:03   Haematology 1

ML4308:03   Haematology 2

ML4301:03   Clinical Biochemistry 1

ML4302:03   Clinical Biochemistry 2

ML4303:03   Clinical Placement 1

ML4304:03   Clinical Placement 2

ML4309:03   Histology and Cytology Techniques


Select 3 credit points of specified level 2 and 3 subjects

BC3201:03  Biotechnology

CH2012:03  Environmental Analytical Techniques

MI3041:03  Food Microbiology

PP3201:03  Applied Physiology


Expected time to complete

4 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

10 years

Maximum leave of absence

3 years


Course progression requisites


Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Further information about placements can be found at Enrolment Policy – Coursework Students .

Candidates may be required to undertake placements away from the campus at which they are enrolled at their own expense.

Special assessment requirements

Refer to Review of a Student’s Suitability to Continue a Course Involving Placement policy.

Accreditation requirements


Maximum allowed Pass Conceded (PC) grade


Supplementary exam for final subject

Not applicable

Advanced Standing


Candidates may apply for advanced standing for previous tertiary study in accordance with the Advanced Standing for Previous Studies and Recognised Prior Learning policy associated procedures.

Maximum allowed

63 credit points


Advanced standing will be granted only for studies completed in the 10 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Advanced standing gained for any subject shall be cancelled 10 years after the date of the examination upon which the advanced standing is based if, by then, the candidate has not completed the course of study prescribed for the degree.

Other restrictions

A maximum of 18 credit points of advanced standing may be granted at level 3 or 4.

Award Details

Inclusion of majors on testamur

Not applicable - this course does not have majors

Exit with lesser award

Not applicable

Course articulation

Not applicable


Honours availability

In-course honours available


Candidates will be invited to apply for the honours program during the final teaching period of level 2.

Require a minimum GPA of 5.0 calculated over level 1 and 2 subjects.