
Doctor of Public Health



Course code





Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences

Award Requirements


Academic Requirements

Course Structure





Advanced Standing

Award Details

Admission Requirements


Completion of a bachelor degree in an appropriate discipline with Honours Class I or IIA, approved by the Higher Degrees by Research Sub-Committee (HDRS-C), on the advice of the Head of School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences; or

Completion of the Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine or the Master of Public Health at this or another University at a standard considered appropriate by the Head of the School; or

Completion of a Masters degree at this or another university in a public health field at a standard and of a nature considered appropriate by the Head of School; or

Other qualifications and experience judged by the Head of School to be equivalent to that above.

Additional selection requirements


Special admission requirements

Applicants must submit a Doctoral Learning Plan developed with the assistance of potential supervisors and approved by the Head of School on the advice of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences Board of Doctoral Studies.


Confirmation of candidature

The candidate shall apply to have his or her candidature confirmed:

  • Normally within the first six months of admission for a full-time candidate; or

  • Normally within the first 12 months of admission for a part-time candidate.

The candidate shall orally, or by electronic communication, present a seminar on the DrPH work. The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

The candidate shall present seven days before the seminar, to the Chair of the Higher Degrees by Research Sub-Committee (HDRS-C) through the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, a 2000 word project proposal including the aims, methodology, budget, timeline, progress to date and any other academic issues arising from the program of work, together with a second piece of substantive written work, usually a literature review.

The seminar presentation and the proposal shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the HDRS-C.

In considering the reports on the seminar presentation the HDRS-C may interview the candidate, and if appropriate, any member(s) of the Supervisory Committee, and any other relevant person.

The HDRS-C may make suggestions to the candidate as to how the research might be improved and may seek independent peer review. The Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School shall also be informed of such suggestions. The advice provided need not necessarily be accepted by the candidate.

The HDRS-C shall then approve one of the following:

  • confirmation of candidature;

  • confirmation of candidature together with additional specified work requirements;

  • reconsideration of candidature within six months of the initial presentation subject to work undertaken to the satisfaction of the HDRS-C;

  • candidature for doctoral studies be replaced by candidature for masters studies with the provision that the applicant may re-present the seminar within six months of the initial presentation; or

  • termination of candidature.

The decision of the HDRS-C on a recommendation shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidate’s right of appeal.

Expected time to complete

3 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

10 years

Maximum leave of absence

1 year

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Minimum EFTSL (equivalent full-time student load) to complete


Expected EFTSL to complete


Additional course rules

A candidate must develop an individual program in collaboration with the Principal Supervisor and any Co-supervisors or Associate Supervisors as soon as possible after the commencement of candidature to reflect the candidate’s research training needs and career aspirations.

A candidate may apply to include up to a maximum of 12 credit points of Masters level coursework subjects provided that these credit points have not also been credited towards another award.

Additional completion requirements

A candidate shall normally be expected to undertake a program of transferable (generic) skills training as detailed in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students.

Course Structure

Core Subjects

PD7219  Professional Doctorate Research Thesis (Public Health - Generic)


PD7220  Professional Doctorate Research Thesis (Public Health and Tropical Medicine)

TM6015:06 Doctoral Conference Presentations


Select 18 credit points of specified TM level 6 subjects

TM6013:06 Doctoral Attachment


TM6014:09 Extended Doctoral Attachment

TM6016:06 Doctoral Specialisation 1

TM6017:06 Doctoral Specialisation 2

TM6018:06 Doctoral Project 1

TM6019:06 Doctoral Project 2

TM6020:06 Doctoral Project 3

TM6021:03 Literature Review Supervision


Appointment of Supervisors

Candidates shall be assigned a principal supervisor and a co-supervisor who shall be members of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University.

At least one associate supervisor may be appointed on account of his or her professional experience, expertise and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. Associate supervisors need not be staff members of this University, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience.

Supervisors’ reports

The Principal Supervisor shall report as required to the Higher Degrees by Research Sub-Committee (HDRS-C) through the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences Board of Doctoral Studies on the candidate’s work.


Progression requirements

A candidate’s progress shall be reviewed as part of the annual reporting and exit seminar processes.

Exit seminar

A candidate shall, at a seminar, present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis in a public forum orally or by electronic communication during the final year of candidature.  The candidate’s Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.

The seminar presentation on the work shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the HDRS-C.

The HDRS-C shall then approve one of the following:

  • That the research is of a standard and extent appropriate for submission as a thesis: or

  • That further research work is required, in which case it shall recommend an extension of the candidature, but shall not normally recommend any extension beyond the end of the fifth year from the date of admission for a full-time candidate or beyond the end of the tenth year for a part-time candidate.


Thesis requirements

The thesis may not be submitted earlier than three years or later than five years from the date of admission.  In special circumstances, approved by the Head of School and the Dean of Postgraduate Studies, an extension or variation of this requirement may be granted, provided that the candidate has passed all the required coursework.

Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part or all of the thesis, provided that they have not been submitted to support or form part of another academic qualification or subject.

The original and two copies of the thesis must be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

Appointment of Examiners

The Higher Degrees by Research Sub-Committee (HDRS-C) will appoint examiners on the advice of the Head of the School of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences.

Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Public Health program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the course to be assessed through the material they examine.


The examination of the thesis will be administered by the Graduate Research School.

The thesis will be examined by at least two external examiners.

The Higher Degrees by Research Sub-Committee, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a written or oral examination or both on the topic of the thesis.

Examiners’ reports

Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be forwarded to the Head of the School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences for recommendation to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the faculty.


Appeal procedures

As per the University appeals procedure for Doctor of Philosophy. See University Requirements for Doctor of Philosophy.

Advanced Standing


Not applicable

Maximum allowed


Other restrictions

Not applicable

Award Details

Inclusion of majors on testamur

Not applicable – this course does not have majors

Exit with a lesser award

Not applicable