
Doctor of Health Professional Education



Course code





Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences

Award Requirements


Academic Requirements

Course Structure





Advanced Standing

Award Details

Admission Requirements


Completion of a bachelor degree with Honours class I or IIA, approved by the Higher Degrees by Research Sub-Committee (HDRS-C) on the advice of the relevant Head of School; or

Completion of a research Masters degree in Health Professional Education or a related discipline; or

Completion of a Masters degree in a health or education related discipline at a standard and of a nature considered appropriate by the relevant Head of School and the Dean of Postgraduate Studies; or

Other qualifications and professional experience judged by the Head of School and the Dean of Postgraduate Studies to provide a preparation for study equivalent to that provided above and appropriate to commencing study in the Doctor of Health Professional Education Program.

Special admission requirements

Applicants must have professional experience in a relevant health-related area approved by the appropriate Head of School for a minimum of five years.


Confirmation of candidature

The candidate shall apply to have their candidature confirmed:

  • normally within the first six months of enrolment for a full-time candidate; or

  • normally within the first 12 months of enrolment for a part-time candidate.

Expected time to complete

3 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

10 years

Maximum leave of absence

1 year

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Minimum EFTSL (equivalent full-time student load) to complete


Expected EFTSL to complete


Additional course rules

A candidate must maintain regular contact with the School as required by the candidate’s Principal Supervisor.

Course Structure

Candidates will be enrolled in the time-based subject pertaining to their field of study

PD7710:00  Professional Doctorate Research Thesis (Education - General)


PD7721:00  Professional Doctorate Research Thesis (Education – Special Education)


Appointment of Supervisors

A candidate enrolled for the Doctor of Education shall be assigned a supervisor who shall be a member of the staff of the University and on the Register of Supervisors of the University.

At least one associate supervisor will be appointed on account of his or her professional experience and special knowledge of the candidate’s intended program of study. Associate supervisors need to be staff members of this university, but should have appropriate expertise and professional experience. With the approval of the HDRS-C, an additional associate supervisor may be appointed to provide supervision if and when the candidate is at a distance from the University.

Supervisors’ reports

The supervisor will be required to report annually on the candidate’s work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School of Education, the candidate’s progress is unsatisfactory, the Head of School may recommend to the HDRS-C the termination of candidature or other action he or she deems necessary.


Progression requirements

A candidate’s course of study shall be subject to approval by the HDRS-C, on the recommendation of the Head of School of Education, for each year of candidature.

Exit seminar

Not applicable


Thesis requirements

A portfolio of work must be submitted for examination. The portfolio will include:

  • a dissertation of 50,000 words;

  • a 20,000 word collection of scholarly and research products from work completed in (a) the structured research tasks or (b) a combination of research tasks and coursework, the latter to be less than 30% of the requirements of the program (or permitted under the policy for advanced standing). This collection is to include two articles, one at publishable standard and the other to be submitted for publication in a Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) recognised journal, the latter to occur for the degree to be conferred.

  • an overview of 3,000-5,000 words which describes the relationship among the following: the professional practice of the candidate; the dissertation; other work described above and the work of others.

Candidates are encouraged to publish work during candidature, beside that of their published article, and such published works during the candidature may be included in the portfolio provided they or their substantive content have not been submitted for advanced standing for another academic qualification.

An original plus three copies of the portfolio must be submitted to the Graduate Research School for examination.

Appointment of Examiners

The portfolio will be examined by two examiners external to the University. One of these may be an appropriately qualified professional from the education field.

The HDRS-C will appoint examiners on the advice of the Head of School of Education.

Examiners will be fully briefed on the nature of the Doctor of Education program and be made cognisant of the proportion of the program to be assessed through the material they examine.

The HDRS-C shall inform the examiners of the scope and nature of the thesis requirements for the Doctor of Astronomy degree.


Successful candidates must be judged through examination to have made a significant contribution to knowledge and practice in their profession.

The HDRS-C, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a written or oral examination or both on the topics covered in the portfolio.

Examiners’ reports

Examiners’ reports and the recommendations that follow from them will be dealt with in the same way as other doctoral degrees, that is, through a recommendation from the Head of School of Education to the HDRS-C.

The HDRS-C, on consideration of the reports of the examiners, may recommend:

  • the award of the degree;

  • the award of the degree subject to revision of components of the portfolio to the satisfaction of the Head of School of Education;

  • not award the degree;

  • appoint another examiner;

  • invite the candidate to resubmit the portfolio for an appropriate Masters degree; or

  • require the candidate to resubmit the portfolio or parts thereof, either rewritten or containing further research material, for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Education.


Appeal procedures

As per the University appeals procedure for Doctor of Philosophy. See University Requirements for Doctor of Philosophy.

Advanced Standing


Advanced standing is permitted for previous work deemed to be at a doctoral level and any research or scholarly products from this work may be submitted as part of the portfolio up to a maximum of 10,000 words.

Maximum allowed

I EFTSL (1 year full-time)

Other restrictions

Advanced standing is granted at the discretion of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies on advice from the relevant Head of School.

Award Details

Inclusion of majors on testamur

Not applicable – this course does not have majors

Exit with a lesser award

Not applicable