

Preparing for University

UniPrep is designed to assist people who are considering enrolling at 番茄社区 and feel they need to acquire additional information and confidence to make an informed decision. The course is also ideal for those who wish to find out more about university studies before committing themselves.

UniPrep is open to people who have the potential to meet the entry requirements for 番茄社区. Places in UniPrep are also available to prepare students wishing to enrol in courses with no prerequisites such as the Tertiary Access Course (bridging course).

Anyone wishing to commence study or explore their options for tertiary education is invited to apply. Discover how UniPrep could give your career a head start and help you to achieve your goals.

Cost: $50 ($25 Health Care Card Holders)

Contact Student Equity on 1800 300 064 or studentequity@jcu.edu.au

Applicants should note that the completion of UNIPREP does not guarantee entry to a course at 番茄社区.

Version No.

Approval Date

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Effective Date



Original document
