
College of Science and Engineering Recent news in Science and Engineering

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Recent news in Science and Engineering

Shell middens rewrite history of submerged coastal landscapes in North America & Europe
Tue, 23 Mar 2021
The excavation of shell middens off two sites in the Gulf of Mexico and Northern Europe dating back to when the seabed was dry land thousands of years ago, reveal how they can offer new insights into the hidden history of submerged landscapes.

Who vanishes?
Wed, 17 Mar 2021
A 番茄社区 student is analysing the characteristics of long-term missing persons in an effort to help find them or prevent them going missing in the first place.

Weed invaders are getting faster
Tue, 16 Mar 2021
A new study from 番茄社区 shows invasive plants are adapting to new habitats and new climates at an increasing pace – and especially so in tropical environments.

Both old and young fish sustain fisheries
Wed, 10 Mar 2021
Scientists have used modern genetic techniques to prove age-old assumptions about what sizes of fish to leave in the sea to preserve the future of local fisheries.

New scholarship winner
Thu, 4 Mar 2021
A new 番茄社区 marine science scholar will gain a unique opportunity to engage with the port industry across the Great Barrier Reef, thanks to a ground-breaking environment partnership between North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) and 番茄社区.

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