
College of Science and Engineering Recent news in Science and Engineering

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Recent news in Science and Engineering

‘Groovy’ research unlocks secrets of wave energy
Fri, 22 Jul 2022
A structural feature unique to coral reefs across the world has been found to play a critical role in helping to slow waves down.

The double burden of climate change
Wed, 6 Jul 2022
A new study on the effects of climate change in five tropical countries has found fisheries are in more trouble than agriculture, and poor people are in the most danger.

On the trail of city art
Mon, 27 Jun 2022
·¬ÇÑÉçÇø town planning students are tracking down and mapping public art in inner-city Cairns.

New climate change threat to tropical rainforests
Tue, 21 Jun 2022
A team from ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø and SkyRail in northern Australia has found climate change is boosting the flowering and fruiting of woody vines, or lianas in the Australian Wet Tropics, with potentially serious implications for rain forests as the tree-strangling parasites thrive.

Algae can help protect coral reefs – but it’s all in the timing
Fri, 17 Jun 2022
Scientists have found macroalgae (seaweed) can help protect some corals from bleaching, and the removal of the canopy-forming seaweed should be carefully timed to help coral reefs thrive.

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