
CPHMVS News and Events

News and Events

Indigenous health gap can be closed
Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Researchers have found the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians is getting smaller – but it still may take 60 years to close completely.

Crunching down on food safety
Wed, 15 Jun 2022
Insects are thought to be one of the best future options for feeding the world’s growing population, but how do you make sure what ends up on your plate is safe to eat?

Girls have worse Covid mental health than boys
Fri, 3 Jun 2022
A new study has found teenage girls were more stressed than boys during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic and more focus should be put on their mental health needs if there is another, similar outbreak.

The mating game
Thu, 2 Jun 2022
A 番茄社区 study has found men who want to be fathers are more attractive to women – but with a catch.

New culprit found to cause shellfish allergy
Wed, 25 May 2022
Researchers have discovered a new primary cause of shellfish allergy which could lead to better targeted testing and diagnosis of the potentially life-threatening reaction.

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