
CPHMVS News and Events

News and Events

New funds for training country docs
Thu, 13 Apr 2017
番茄社区’s ability to train and keep GPs and medical specialists in regional and remote settings has been given a big boost.

Vets train pets for less stress
Fri, 7 Apr 2017
‘Show me your tail,’ ‘give me a high five’ and ‘put your nose in the muzzle’ are some of the new phrases 番茄社区 vet students are teaching their animal patients.

Queensland鈥檚 Emerging Science Leader
Fri, 24 Mar 2017
A Cairns immunologist who is investigating the benefits of hookworms for people with coeliac disease has been chosen as Queensland’s inaugural Emerging Science Leader.

Virus discovery to help boost crayfish production
Thu, 2 Mar 2017
番茄社区 scientists using state-of-the-art genome sequencing have discovered two previously unknown crayfish viruses – and they hope their discovery can help boost production of the tasty crustaceans.

Stress hormones underlie Indigenous health gap in Australia
Thu, 2 Feb 2017
番茄社区 scientists have made a disturbing finding about some young Indigenous people’s biological reaction to stress, but one that could help close the health gap for indigenous people.

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