
Clinical Completion Hours

100% attendance during your PEP is COMPULSORY. Any absences (even if it is only for one hour) must be completed within the nominated PEP period in order for you to meet the subject requirements and be awarded your grade.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the relevant people (refer to flowchart below) for all absences during PEP.

Students are required to provide supporting evidence for the reason for the absence to the Academic Lead: Professional Practice within 48 hours of non-attendance for approval of ALL absences. Absences not supported by relevant documentation may result in clinical completion hours not being approved.

Absences up to 10% of total PEP hours (regardless of supporting documentation) student’s circumstances will be determined on an individual basis in consultation the Subject Coordinator and Academic Lead: Professional Practice. If missed PEP hours are excessive, this will be escalated to the BNSc or BNSc-BMid Course Coordinator to determine if the student can proceed or has to withdraw from the Subject.

Please note: extended absences beyond 10% may result in the student not being eligible to pass the PEP assessment and may result in an F or X (fail grade) for the subject.

Following the approval of the absence from the Academic Lead: Professional Practice, the Placement Officer will be notified to negotiate clinical completion hours.

NB: There is no guarantee clinical completion hours can be completed during the current PEP.

Students absent from PEP must comply with the notification procedures as outlined in the following flowchart.

A medical certificate or a statutory declaration (signed by a Justice of the Peace) covering each day of missed PEP must be emailed to nursingclinical@jcu.edu.au and subject coordinator. A copy is given to the Clinical Facilitator/Preceptor/Coach. The original document is kept by the student and filed in their blue PEP folder.

Email Template:  Missed Shift

Email subject line: Missed Shift or Missed Shift Documentation, Your Name and your Student Number.

Dear [Insert Name]

My name is [Insert your name] and I am in Year [insert year] of [insert program name]

This email is to inform you I am unable to attend PEP clinical practice at clinical facility / clinical site, ward / clinical area [insert placement area] today due to [insert reason]

I have notified all relevant areas of my absence and will supply supporting documentation within the 2 days.

Kind regards
[insert name]
[insert email signature which includes your Name | Year level | Campus Location | Study Mode.

Email subject line: Missed Shift or Missed Shift Documentation, Your Name and your Student Number.

Dear [Insert Name]

My name is [Insert your name] and I am in Year [insert year] of [insert program name]

Please find attached the required documentation for my missed shift at clinical facility / clinical site, ward / clinical area [insert placement area] in [insert date]

I have attached a medical certificate and await your reply regarding a replacement shift.

Kind regards
[insert name]
[insert email signature which includes your Name | Year level | Campus Location | Study Mode.

If the outstanding clinical completion hours cannot be negotiated during the current PEP, a PP (Placement Pending) grade is awarded. Clinical completion hours will be completed at the beginning of the next PEP. For example:

Outstanding PEP hours= 8 hours from previous subject
Hours required for current PEP subject= 120 hours
Hours negotiated for current PEP= 120 hours
  1. The clinical completion hours timesheet will be verified for previous subject and 8 clinical completion hours recorded on clinical completion hours timesheet.
  2. The clinical completion hours timesheet must be submitted to the PEP assessment dropbox for the subject with the outstanding PEP hours. The remainder of your PEP will be recorded on the current subject’s PEP timesheet for the current PEP.
  3. The current PEP timesheet will be verified for 112 hours (8 hours short) for current PEP. The student will carry a PP grade into current PEP subject.
  4. If 128 hours are negotiated for current PEP, there would be no PP grade for the current subject.
  5. For clinical completion hours from a previous PEP, submit your completed clinical completion hours timesheet to the previous Subject Coordinator. Subject Coordinator will amend the PP grade at the next available Examiners’ meeting.
  6. The remainder of your PEP will have a new timesheet for the current professional experience placement.