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The Ups & Downs of a Criminal Lawyer

With Simon Bright, ATSILS

Law Seminar Series - Criminal Law

Thursday 30 March 2023, 3pm-4pm
Where: Room CO004-103 ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Cairns, City Campus

In this week’s seminar we are joined by Simon Bright the Regional Manager of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service in Cairns. Having previously worked as a Police Prosecutor and Barrister, Simon talks about his experiences working as a Criminal lawyer, good and bad, the differences between working in Crime and other areas of law. He also shares how working for Government, Private Practice and Not for Profit present different challenges.

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About the Presenter

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Simon is the Regional Manager of the Cairns office of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service. Prior to working with ATSILS Simon have worked as both a prosecutor and a defence barrister. Commencing in 1997, he worked for the Queensland Police for 15 years, the majority of that was as a Police Prosecutor. Simon then worked for eight years in Melbourne at the Victorian Bar as a Barrister, practising initially in the criminal jurisdiction but also in Family Violence matters as well as some work in the Federal Courts dealing with Family Law matters. Although he took briefs from both prosecution and defence while at the Bar, Simon’s practise was predominantly defence work. 

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