
Lecture Capture for Learning

Student learning resource

Lecture captures provide a quick resource for students to review past lectures at anytime during the study period. 

If you have scheduled your lecture in an enabled room with timetabling, automatic lecture captures are published straight to your subject folder, saving you time!

There are some misconceptions of lecture capture that need to be dispelled, and some actions students can do to get the best from their recorded lectures.

It is a recording of a lecture that can be used as a resource for students to review parts of the lecture at their own pace.

It is not a substitute for attending lectures.

  • Captured lectures are automatically published to subject sites and can be found in Books & Tools (named Subject Video Folder), or sometimes via links in the Subject Content.​
  • Captured lectures are available a few minutes after they have been recorded.​

Remember, If the recording light is on you may be captured

In enabled rooms, there is a light that will turn on on the podium when a recording is taking place.

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·¬ÇÑÉçÇø teaching and technical staff work hard to capture lectures but sometimes technology will fail and a capture will not be available.

Not often, but sometimes things go wrong and a fallback option may not be available.

Taking notes, along with asking questions, help with learning. Students can take notes in captured lectures that are timestamped and downloadable. You can watch a .

When in the video viewer you can take notes by clicking on Notes in the left-hand menu:

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To start entering notes, click in the outlined box and begin typing

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The second you begin to type is the second that will be time stamped in the viewer. When you hit enter/return on your keyboard, the note will be submitted to the field above where you are typing.

To edit or delete a submitted note, click on the note you wish to change. Click the More button and choose Edit or Delete buttonUser-added image

Editing the note will bring the submitted note back into the initial field and allow you to change the submitted note but will not change the initial timestamp of the note. Deleting the note will remove it entirely from all fields. Note: Hitting delete once will remove the note.

Download: This feature allows you to download your notes for a session as a text document. You can download your notes by hitting the download icon.


By default, notes under your account will be private notes.  This means no one else can see your notes.

To verify your notes are private, you will see a link that says Make Public. If you would like to make your notes public, select this link.

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After selecting Make Public, the link will change to say Make Private. To make your notes private again, simply click on the link a second time.  Notes taken with the link shown as Make Private will become public when the link is clicked for Make Public.

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Bookmarking lets you select a point in a video to return to later.

Accessing bookmarks

When in the Panopto Dashboard you will see a tab on the left side to access your bookmarks:


Create a bookmark

To start access a video where you'd like to make a bookmark.

On the right-hand side of the screen click on Bookmarks

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Once you click the bookmark button you will be prompted to label your bookmark at the time of entry. Enter a note in the text box, and hit enter. This will save your bookmark.

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Note: bookmarks correlate to the current playback time.

In Panopto you can search for words that appear on screen, in slides, or are spoken.

Search through multiple videos

Search for a keyword in the search bar at the top of the page. If you are in the Home or Everything area, the entire library will be searched. If you are in a folder, just that folder of videos will be searched.

search everything

Video search results will appear in the content area below.

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You will see videos where the word you searched appears in the title. But you will also see results if the word was spoken, shown on screen, or shown in slides in a video. You will see where in the video the word appears by looking in the search results below the video title.

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To play a video from the beginning, click on the title or image.

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To play a video from where the keyword appears, click on one of the search results below the video title. The video will open in a new tab and begin to play at that point where the word appeared.

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Search within a video

In the video player, use the search bar on the left to search inside of the video.

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Enter your search keyword and click the magnifying glass icon. All the search results for the video will appear and will be timestamped. Click on a search result to view that point in the video. The search bar will search the video and its related content for your keyword.

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To the left of the search result is a small icon indicating how the keyword was conveyed. These icons represent when the keyword was conveyed through Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), transcription, or a caption; Optical Character Recognition (OCR); slide content; discussion post or comment; notes; and bookmarks. Note: ASR identifies words spoken in the video and OCR identifies words that appear in the video. 

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To narrow your search, choose Search All at the top of the results, and select a specific area to search.

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By default, the search results are shown in order of relevance, but you can also choose this option at the top of the results and instead show the results in time order.

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Advice for students

A presentation "How we are using Lecture Capture (PPTX, 796 KB)" has been created, please feel free to adapt it and use it to introduce Lecture Capture to your students. The last slide includes a link to a by Nordmann et al. (2018), it tells students how they can use Lecture Capture effectively for learning.